MovieChat Forums > Family Ties (1982) Discussion > Meredith Baxter Is A Lesbian. Notthatth...

Meredith Baxter Is A Lesbian. Notthattheresanything wrongwiththat.

In 2009 Meredith Baxter came out as a lesbian during an interview with Matt Lauer on "The Today Show" and on the "Frank DeCaro Show" on Sirius-XM OutQ 102. She lives with partner Nancy Locke, a general contractor. The couple have been in a relationship since 2005. Baxter said that she didn't realize she was gay until she began her first same-sex relationship in 2002. She states that finally coming to terms with her homosexuality really opened her eyes to the fact that for many years she knew something was different about her and why her relationships with men failed.


LOL..she didn't realize she was a lesbian till she was past 60!


Baxter was about 55 years old when she began her first same sex relationship in 2002.


You mean like Danny Thomas??


I never heard any rumors about the late Danny Thomas other than that he was allegedly into scat.


During an episode of the Golden Girls, the word lesbian is used and Blanche mentioned Danny Thomas. Dorothy then said "not Lebanese" and Blanche understood. It was more of a Rose line but the lesbian had a small crush on Rose.

MB has said that she didn't feel content with men but just did what she believed she was supposed to do while living in that time period.
Good for her if she's happy.


I don't usually start threads about the sexuality of an actors or actresses. This might the the first. I think Meredith Baxter coming out caught my attention because it happened shortly after my childhood sweetheart told me after two husbands and four children that she is now a lesbian. She is still "the goods" as is Meredith Baxter.


Everyone knows you didn't mean anything by it.
You did use the "Notthattheresanything wrongwiththat".


I do hope you mean the jazz singing style.


You sure you don't mean Danny Kaye?


I don't understand how she didn't know. Was she attracted to only men before her 50s? Or was she attracted to women but didn't want to admit it to herself?

Anything I could have said I felt somehow that you already knew


I don't understand how she didn't know. Was she attracted to only men before her 50s? Or was she attracted to women but didn't want to admit it to herself?

I've never understood this, either, but I've known male-to-female transsexuals that have done the same thing. They will come out at 50 after years of being in a heterosexual marriage and fathered children, and now claim they are not only female but are attracted to men. They make no attempt to explain how this happened, that they became a totally different person after changing their wardrobe.


It is because up until very recently society always assumed everyone was cis and straight. So a lot of the times you know something is different or not quite right but think everyone feels that way because you dont know any different. Then, an event happens that makes you realize what that was all along.

Nobody turns gay or trans. It was always there, they just didnt realize what it was, or where trying to deny it.


People Magazine Exclusive
Meredith Baxter Marries Nancy Locke
By Aili Nahas
12/08/2013 at 08:00 PM EST

Meredith Baxter Marries Nancy Locke

Family Ties star Meredith Baxter has tied the knot!

Baxter, 66, and her longtime partner, contractor Nancy Locke, were married in an intimate ceremony on Sunday afternoon in Los Angeles.

Close friends and family – including Baxter's five children – looked on as the couple exchanged handwritten vows.

Music played a central theme in the celebration. A friend sang and played guitar during the ceremony and at the reception, Locke's band took the stage. Locke and Baxter even took lessons to prepare for their first dance as a married couple.

The pair have been dating for seven years; in 2009, Baxter, came out as a lesbian.

Happy bride Baxter tells People: "Now I understand why marriage caught on!",,20764010,00.html


... if you're a straight man that has the hots for her. Me, I'm not attracted by the actress--only the characters she played. I'm old enough to remember when Bridget Loves Bernie (1972) was cancelled and I was quite disappointed.

Take care to whom you REPLY--IMDb notification system does not tolerate errors


Another example of a person choosing that lifestyle.


I totally agree with you, r-lemaster. Meredith choose the lesbian lifestyle after giving birth to five kids. No woman would subject herself to that much labor if she didn't like guys (and get married 3 times)! Great actress but very mixed up emotionally.



My friend and I have agreed to disagree on the fact that some people do choose to be gay, but I agree with you. I don't think everyone was born one way or another.


I don't think it's a simple issue.

Can you choose to like raspberries better than strawberries? Maybe you can and someone else can't. So your personal taste is a gut reaction, possibly combined with some degree of choice. (For example, what if your 4-year-old niece LOVES raspberries, and it's REALLY important to her that you share this appreciation, and you love her as much as anyone in your life? You are going to automatically appreciate raspberries more than you did before, without even thinking about it. You might even "choose" to change your preference.)

Your sexuality has got to be far more complicated than your preference in berry fruits.

I think it's close-minded to say that homosexuality is always a choice, but it's also close-minded to say that it's always a black-and-white preference that you are born with. People are complicated. There are 7 billion of us, and there is a tremendous amount of variance among us in all areas.

I think we just need to respect everyone's individuality. And not try to inform them that we "know" how they got to be the way they are.

Irony Man, Thorn, Capitan Armorica, The Hunk, Hog-Eye, Back Window, & Warm Machine:
The Revengers


I have a friend who I immediately thought was gay when I first met her--but then I found out she had a crush on a married guy, so I brushed those thoughts out of my head. Well, years later (well into middle age) she "discovered" she was gay and married a woman! How could she not know?? She had been married 3 times, and I think that is why none of those relationships worked. She knew something was missing. And, no, the relationship with the married man never developed into anything. That made it easy: wanting someone she didn't actually have to get close to. I don't think she really enjoyed the sex much with the men. She had "never thought about" having a relationship with a woman! I think some people--particularly women--just go with what they've been brought up to think is normal, what they think they are supposed to do--and not really think about what they WANT. This woman I honestly believe didn't even entertain the idea that another woman was what would make her happy and fulfilled until she met her spouse-to-be.


I think that these kinds of stories are probably a lot more common than most people realize.

Lots of people don't fall into the simple categories of "gay-and-always-knew-it" or "straight-and-always-knew-it".

I think there are a lot of bisexuals in the world who don't feel comfortable admitting it. I knew a lesbian who had previously been married to a man. I knew another lesbian who had had at least 2 relationships with men. As far as I know, both women identified as lesbian, but from their relationships it would be entirely reasonable to call them bisexual. I think bisexual people are frequently misunderstood by straight people AND gay people.

Lesbians get a lot of flack from their gay friends if they date a man. I've seen this happen.

"I think some people--particularly women--just go with what they've been brought up to think is normal, what they think they are supposed to do--and not really think about what they WANT."

My guess is that this is equally true for men.

"I would glue noodles and prunes to my shoe
For one oozey spoonful of jellyfish stew."
- Prelutsky


I am sure it can be true for men, too. I just said "particularly women" because women are more apt to have been brought up to take care of/nurture/please OTHER people. I have another friend--this one straight--who has been married 3 times, and in counseling one time during the breakdown of one of her marriages, she was asked what she wanted--and she actually broke down crying because no one had ever asked her that before and she didn't even KNOW what she wanted! She has come a long way since, but she is still the kind of person who is always there for someone else, always the nurturing one.

Also--I think it's a misconception that gay people can't have sex with people of the opposite sex--or even enjoy it; it's just not their first choice. A lot of gay people used to get married because they wanted the whole family and children thing and that was the only way to do it then.


I'll be praying for her to be free of Satan’s bondage. Jesus can free her.

I belong to Jesus: my Lord, Savior, my eternity, my everything. I love you, Jesus!


will you be praying for people to not eat shellfish too? Just wondering


Keeping in tone with her character..:)


So was the dad. Forgot his name. Who knows what happened to Truty. It seems the chic who played the sister got away from Hollywood as fast as possible. Or disappeared. I think the son ended up disappearing in a time machine accident.
