MovieChat Forums > Clash of the Titans (1981) Discussion > There was an awful lot of nudity in this...

There was an awful lot of nudity in this for a PG movie at the time.

I don't hate this movie and I admit I've not seen so many PG movies from that time but this movie showed a woman's boob nipple and all. Then there were scenes where it showed a woman and a little boy walking down a beach naked from behind showing their butts. Then it showed a woman getting up from a bath from behind showing her butt. I didn't really know they could do this at the time. Are there very many other PG movies from this time with this much nudity?

Kelloway: Doyle, get in the car.
Doyle: But I ordered Onion Rings.
Kelloway: Doyle!


America is becoming more conservative and sexually repressed; we are heading toward a second Victorian age.


More repressed in everything. It's sickening.


Except this time it's being driven by the left.


Yeah, that's true. It seems odd the party of hippies has become so sexually repressed. It's like a competition to see who can be the most virtuous.


The two extremes have met on the opposite side of rational.


What's repressed about it? They're more proactive about protecting kids now. Kids movies shouldn't have T&A in them these days.

Let kids have their innocence and childhoods. They will still have many years of being bombarded with sex when they get older.


Children don't have innocence, they have naivety, that doesn't go away if the parents are overprotective. That's why we have literal trigger warnings on tv shows for smoking, cursing, rough language, etc. Obviously, we don't want children watching porn, although they would get it from the internet anyway, but there is nothing wrong with nudity or affection. We worry so much about children's feelings that they aren't developing coping skills for behavior or ideas they don't like. There is a generation that believes words literally hurt you.
