MovieChat Forums > Rocky II (1979) Discussion > A good movie for those who completely mi...

A good movie for those who completely missed the point of the original

Because in the original Rocky should have won .... right?


you are so tough!

I can just see you know...sitting there watching Rocky II, The thought pops into your head, "most people dont even understand the point these movies"

Then you think "Oh man, I'm gonna go create a thread declaring I'm smarter than everyone else"......

you should just tattoo "Bad-Ass" on your forehead.....because based on this thread, Its clear you are TOUGH and you want every one to know it!

lol JK


I don't think so...the first one ending with Rocky losing the fight but doing what everyone thought impossible (going the distance with the champ) was pretty much perfect imo.


It was right that Rocky lost the fight in the first movie. In the end, he accomplished his goal of going to distance. And that's what mattered to him.


We saw less than half the fight. Even hurt, Creed probably won more rounds than Rocky did.


It really is hard to say. I always had assumed Creed legitimately won but the fact that it was a split decision is also telling. Would a judge necessarily give a fight to an unknown challenger if it wasn't at least justifiably close? Either way the film is damn near perfect.


That's a legitimate point. In a fight that's a virtual draw, I would bet most judges would award the fight to the champion.


It's the little victories that give life meaning and fill one with hope ... like Rocky racing up those stairs after being thwarted by them before (figuratively and literally). Or Rocky and Adrian professing their love for another after Rocky's gone the distance (though Rocky asking about Adrian's hat, worrying more about her than a match, is when he truly goes the distance). You'll note that in these moments is when Bill Conti's music really soars. Not when Rocky's in the ring. Rocky doesn't even care about the outcome of the match. You can hear, at then end of the movie, as Rocky and Adrian embrace, Apollo being announced as the winner (genius filmmaking). Rocky's oblivious. And for good reason. Because he knows there's victory in the trying. And more importantly, while he doesn't defeat Apollo, Rocky does defeat the loser inside himself . Rocky's triumph is an internal one ... the best kind of all.


Excellent point, Turnip. For Rocky, his life is all about the relationships which have kept him going throughout his hard Philly Penn life, appreciating those, the real unsung heroes who make the most of what they have while they have it, giving back because he owes his success to them, because they believed in him. They helped him see the man he truly was.

