MovieChat Forums > Norma Rae (1979) Discussion > I hate to tell you but unions are poison...

I hate to tell you but unions are poison, not remedy, to workers.

Sure, I agree, there should be laws to protect people from being treated unfairly but come on, how comfortable can working in a mill or factory be. It is going to be hard work and you do what you have to do to keep bread on your table and if that means getting up at 4.30 to go to work well so be it. Some things in life we have to do and they aren't going to be soft and cushy. It is a way to survive until maybe you better yourself by education and work your way up the latter. Now, because of so many of these demands (more break time, higher wages, less working time), it eventually cut into production and making a profit (that keeps producing goods that people and our economy have to have and jobs open to people). So, in order to keep producing the goods that people need, they have to find cheapers ways to deliever their services and if it means going abroad and setting up shop, well that is what they have to do.

Business have a job to do and that is deliver the goods that people need and as horrible as this sounds, they are going to deliver the goods and best quality as cheaply as they can.

So, unions had good intentions, but delievered poison to the working man. All these demands costed money and that was hurting the company. What else were they to do.


Unions are like liberalism..

Both were good ideas at the time.
Both got too much power and became corrupt.

Now both are killing America & do more harm to those they are supposed to defend


this seems to be more of a political post.


I agree that unions can be a major negative. It protects bad workers, lowers productivity, and gives people more money than their work justifies.


corporate propaganda.




Unions had their place in history, back when people were working seventy-two hours a week for shit wages, breathing clouds of asbestos, and losing fingers and hands in machinery. Today they're parasites run by corrupt gangsters and ideologues. The government unions are the worst, epitomized by the teachers' unions. Society and workers would be far, far better off without them.


The labor movement brought us the weekend. Enough said.
