MovieChat Forums > The Dukes of Hazzard (1979) Discussion > Time for a much needed reboot

Time for a much needed reboot

What a dark time it was in America that this racist garbage went on for 7 whole seasons. Reboot it with major changes.
1. No confederate flag on the General Lee.
2. No confederate flag on any county buildings nor on the front license plate holders of the police cars
3. Remove the word Dixie from Daisys jeep
4. Hazzard needs to be more racially diverse. No blacks lived there in the series. And that includes some of the local business owners
5. The Duke family needs to be bi racial and one of the Duke boys needs to be gay
6. While in the series, the sheriff as well as the county commissioner were both crooked and clumsy. While in the new series, they still need to be crooked but instead of being clumsy, they need to focus more on their brutality. As in todays society, police brutality may be our biggest problem in the country.
7. No more fat jokes about Boss Hogg. They are hurtful to people with weight problems
8. The General Lee should not be orange and the Daisys jeep and Jesses pickup cannot be white. The orange color could be seen as a metaphor for the racist president in the white house and the white color of the other cars can be seen as white supremacy.

These changes can make a great series and make up for those past seasons of intense racism which dominated this show for 7 years


Absolutely not, the show should never be rebooted/changed.


Yes there are a lot of racists like yourself that think the same


There is nothing racist about the show.


see, its trolling like this that leads to aniti-SJWs losing their their shit and getting all insecure

whereas , in fact , there isnt any SJWs really , just people pretending , like you.

and so the hole merry go round goes round and round


Whatever. Be a racist your whole life


Forget all of that.

Just reboot the series where the cops arrest Bo and Luke for exceeding speed limits, dangerous driving and basically putting the public in danger.


The sad thing is, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. That's how retarded this world has become.


The WOKE movement is real and its about frigging time


Dude, stop trolling the board with your nonsense


9. The General Lee will be renamed Obama.
10. Daisy's vehicle will be renamed Oprah.
11. No more making fun of Roscoe's retardation.
12. There will be no misuse of the word retardation.
13. The boys, who are now a brother and sister drive around town helping people.
14. They help people by talking about racial intolerance and sexism.
15. Daisy still wears hot shorts but only because she wants to.
16. Daisy is now 200 pounds and transgender.
17. The old man is now an old woman and black. Or Hispanic.
18. Boss Hog is still white because he is the villain.
