MovieChat Forums > Smokey and the Bandit (1977) Discussion > Everyone rooting for a criminal makes no...

Everyone rooting for a criminal makes no sense

Why is everyone rooting for a criminal and helping a criminal as well?

Think about it, there's no reason to help someone cops are chasing - what is these people's motivation? All they know that someone named 'Bandit' is being chased by peace officers. So.. let's help the criminal?

If they DO know more about him, then they should also know about all the crimes this man has committed without any remorse.

The property damage alone should amount to a staggering amount.. so let's check what he does in this movie, what are his (and her, at least as an accomplice) crimes:

- Breaking and entering

- Stealing beer (did they ever actually pay for it? Scribbling a half-4rsed note is not the same thing as 'paying', but even if it was, you can't just break and enter, take what you want and leave money, that's not legitimate purchasing of goods)

- Property damage (ruining people's crops, driving through fields, all the cars smashed, and SO MUCH more)

- Speeding
- Reckless driving, endangering people's lives (even with the stunts, someone could've been killed easily for making this movie.. crazy stuff)

- Kidnapping (sort of)

- Smuggling contraband

When we add the 'bar fight', although its his partner, that would add assault, battery, etc. to the charges..

Does he think he can just go on forever avoiding these consequences of his 'fun crime spree' anyway? Eventually, he's going to get caught, and all these people become his accomplices at that point. For what?

WHY are all these people helping a criminal?

I don't get it.. think about any police car chase video you find on youtube, and imagine if the public was helping the reckless driver that endangers public safety so they can smuggle contraband they stole after breaking and entering.. would that seem normal, logical, noble, heroic or any kind of good thing to do?

The Pontiac Trans-Am Firebird is cool and all, but holy cow is this movie all the way to its ridiculous premise stupid, while not making much sense to begin with.

Why are cops seen as the bad guys and criminals celebrated in these movies?


You are free to root for anyone in this movie. When was it ever stated that the Bandit was a good guy? The word bandit is always associated with a villain. In this particular movie, the bad guy gets away at the end with help from other bad guys


anybody trying to impede the distribution of beer is the real criminal.


Anyone who drinks and/or pretends to like Coors beer is a villain.


I thoroughly enjoy when Gen Z gets a hold of a Classic from the 70's and attempts to bury it through over thinking it??
