
So if Jerry had listened to Pam, he wouldn't have stopped for the hitchhiker. If Kirk had listened to Pam, they would never have gone to the horror house! Then of course you have he insane Cook, hitchhiker and Leatherface....all men!!!

No small wonder this movie had a final girl....the blokes were all too stupid!

Moral of the story.....women are smarter than men.


Oh come now, we know you loved Leatherface.


"No small wonder this movie had a final girl...."


Unlike the masses of other horror movies that have final men.


kirk was a douche and a half - agree with this entire post.. the dudes in this film were WEAK


They were pretty worthless guys!


Kirk had the most shocking death in this film. maybe cause he was the first.. but damn! it happened fast.


One of the women followed the man into the house after he didn't come out. Then she tripped, looked around for a minute shocked at all the strange stuff she saw, decided not to leave, was then captured and was put on a meat hook where she saw the man who she went inside the house for be sawed to death. Yeah, she's real smart.


This is true the main white guy should have take charge of this whole affair, but stupid hippy guy is always wanting to do stupid things, none of these people would be dead if main white guy had said

Look this hitchhiker is obviously crazy and it stink of shit just keep driving frizz hair 60sguy and don't stop until it gets normal

That would have solve all the issues
