Favorite Episodes?

I think that the majority here will agree that little house was better in its earlier seasons. Still, a few of the later episodes stood out as well. One of my favorites was “Men will be boys”. It was funny seeing Albert and Andy owning their surroundings, while Charles and Jonathan got their butts handed to them by mother nature 😀


Christmas at Plum Creek and the episode where Laura and Jonah think they struck gold are two of my favorites in the early seasons. Later on, I think my favorites would be when Nellie elopes with Luke, then we first meet Percival.


I liked that one too Ditto-head, the one where they thought they struck gold. Laura's daydream about riding around in the fancy coach while Nellie and Willie looked on with impoverished eyes was kind of silly, but it was a good episode, with kind of a sad ending.

I also liked the one where Laura met the banker Sprague at the fishing hole. That looked like a really cool place to kick back and lose yourself.

Don't know if you noticed, but we picked up a few features, and can now edit and delete our posts.


I'm glad they're adding features. I hope some more of the imdb crowd will come here, too. I agree, the fantasy of Willie and Nellie being poor was kind of silly, but I can imagine that a kid Laura's age would hope to see that happen to her arch-frienemy.


I was pushing this link pretty hard over at IMDB in its waning days Ditto-head, but from the looks of things, it didn't generate much interest. I posted at a variety of forums over there, but the little house board was my most active as well as my favorite. I was hoping that following the closure of IMDB that everyone would head on over here and we would carry on as usual, but it doesn't appear to have worked out that way.

But yes, I really do hope that this board comes to life again someday.


wanton, it was probably one of your posts that sent me here. I'm glad I saved the link when you posted it, or I never would have found it again. I'd assumed that imdb would leave the old posts up and just made the boards inactive.

Maybe some of the old posters will show up here still. It was fun reading most of their posts, except near the end when the self-righteous types suddenly showed up to lecture everyone about how they had caused the boards to close. Personally, I believe it was more of a financial decision than anything else. I doubt the boards were shut down over the posts where people were joking about the paternity of Grace or the feebleness of Charles' ribs.


Glad to hear that I at least managed to direct a few people over here Ditto-head. I too thought initially that they would keep the boards up as a read only archive, but it soon became apparent that they weren't going to. I totally agree, the decision was monetary more than anything else, as indicated by a former IMDB (Amazon) employee.

"except near the end when the self-righteous types suddenly showed up to lecture everyone about how they had caused the boards to close".

Yeah, I hope like heck the two buzzkills I'm thinking of don't show up here. But hopefully we will have the block feature soon enough on the off chance that they do 😀


Back to School. It was the point at which Harriet and Nellie really became comic relief, and the point when Alison Arngrim really started nailing her role (she was always good, but she mastered it here). You had all kinds of iconic moments: Laura and Zaldamo meeting; the introduction of Eliza Jane, Charles getting hit by the millstone, Caroline working at Nellies, cinnamon chicken, the mud fight, Charles slugging Zaldamo.


@sjbradford; it must have been a long time since I've seen this two parter, because I can scarcely remember it. But this was a breaking point in the series in which we first get introduced to Almanzo and Eliza Jane, so I'll have to track it down.


Had a chance to check out “Back To School”, both parts. I easily remembered part 2, since who could forget “punch first, ask questions later Charles”, at his finest. I didn't really remember part one though. It reminded me as to why I found Almanzo to be such a likable character.

Did anyone else get the distinct impression from the look on Eliza Jane's face that she wanted to give Mrs Oleson the royal smackdown right there in front of the entire class, after she interrupted her teaching session 😨 😀


Well, I'm glad to see a few familiar friends from the old boards. If anyone is still in contact with some of the old members, by all means, invite them over. We also have a few new features, the latest being email notifications, as well as the notification bell at the top left of the page.


One of my favorite episodes is "Laura Ingalls Wilder" when Eliza Jane fell in love with Harve Miller. This was the first time I felt sorry for her and I liked what she did for Almanzo and Laura.


I remember that episode with Harve Miller Anna, but not all that well, so I'll have to check that one out again. I just saw the two parter “back to school” the other day, and seeing it again after all these years, Eliza Jane really wasn't all that bad looking. I think that with a little effort, she might have actually been decent looking.


It was heartbreaking what Harve did to Eliza Jane. What a creep! I always thought Eliza Jane lusted after Albert. She really got a buzz when he asked her to dance!! I was like "He's only 12!!!"


She says in the episode with Harve (when she's asking Laura for advice on men and how to get their attention) that Albert was the only person she had ever danced with. She was just ecstatic that anyone had asked her.


I liked the Anna the stutterer episode. Nellie was at her best: "A crow can squawk and a chicken can flutter! But Anna can't talk, she can only st-st-st-st-stutter!!!" LOL!


Be My Friend ("The storm is God's way of showing his wrath with mankind." "The storm has stopped, Papa.")

The Monster of Walnut Grove (Halloween episode where Laura sees Mr. Oleson behead Mrs. Oleson)

Whisper Country (Mary teaches school in a backward community)

Richest Man in Walnut Grove (so gratifying how they pay off their debt)

Aftermath (the Jesse James episode)

Christmas They Never Forgot (my god…Caroline discovering her stepdad on his knees praying for her…POWERFUL!)

Troublemaker (Chilling scene when Charles brings down Mr. Applewood)

The Race (strictly for the cut to the best closing shot ever…the wagon driving home, the girls walking behind it with their new shoes slung over their shoulders, and the swelling of that great closing theme music)

Reincarnation of Nellie (brilliant writing…Mrs. Oleson's speech to persuade Nancy to come home with her…the revelation that Nancy never suffered any abuse and really doesn't have an excuse for her behavior)

Plague (It seemed like such a kindness – men voluntarily selling corn meal at low prices because they got a good deal on it – and it turns out to be infested)


S1 : A Harvest of Friends, Country Girls, Ma's Holiday, The Lord is My Shepherd Part 1, Christmas at Plum Creek, Family Quarrel.

S2 : The Richest Man in Walnut Grove, The Gift, The Pride of Walnut Grove, A Matter of Faith, For My Lady.

S3 : The Bully Boys, I'll Ride the Wind, To Live with Fear, The Music Box.

S4 : Times of Change, The Handyman, The Rivals, Whisper Country, The Inheritance, I'll Be Waving as You Drive Away.

S5 : There's No Place Like Home, Men Will Be Boys.

S6 : Back to School, He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Part 2.

S7 : Laura Ingalls Wilder, To See the Light, Oleson Versus Oleson, I Do, Again.

S8 : The Reincarnation of Nellie, A Wiser Heart, Wave of the Future, A Christmas They Never Forgot, The Legacy.

S9 : Alden's Dilemma, Hello and Goodbye.


The Lord is My Shepard. Ernest Borgnine was a giant, the best talent they ever had on the show.


I recently picked up the entire DVD set of little house estcst, and am going through them again, so I just watched this episode again the other day. Not a bad two parter, and apparently, this is one of the more popular episodes among fans.

According to the trivia over at IMDB, this was also another recycled Bonanza plot.

