MovieChat Forums > anna8625

anna8625 (41)


how would the Ingalls spend their time during confinement why all the Ingalls boys died Mr Edwards is so desperate to not ends up alone Charles hated Mary Halloween Which LHOTP Character are you? In "He was only 12" Why did Caroline see in Charles The circus man View all posts >


Season 5, when the Ingalls brought Albert to Walnut Grove. I don't know what they were thinking. He was even worse than Nancy. He burned down the blind school, killed Mary's son, killed his best friend's mother, and then hit him because of a girl. He lied, cheated, stole, took drugs, hit another kid, slapped a teacher. He also tried to kill Nellie and Harriet. What else? You're right, Blanche would have been perfect for him! I remember they treated the poor blind kids like cattle. He probably smelled like a mix of tobacco, horse manure and sweat...I'm sure Caroline didn't smell good either. Me too..I wish this forum was more active, I don't think there is another website like this one (maybe previously.TV ?) I'm sure he told her than he loved her and even proposed to her on the first date when she told him she was 3 months pregnant with their first child. :) He never worked a day in his life....Every day of the week were like Sundays to him. S1 : A Harvest of Friends, Country Girls, Ma's Holiday, The Lord is My Shepherd Part 1, Christmas at Plum Creek, Family Quarrel. S2 : The Richest Man in Walnut Grove, The Gift, The Pride of Walnut Grove, A Matter of Faith, For My Lady. S3 : The Bully Boys, I'll Ride the Wind, To Live with Fear, The Music Box. S4 : Times of Change, The Handyman, The Rivals, Whisper Country, The Inheritance, I'll Be Waving as You Drive Away. S5 : There's No Place Like Home, Men Will Be Boys. S6 : Back to School, He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Part 2. S7 : Laura Ingalls Wilder, To See the Light, Oleson Versus Oleson, I Do, Again. S8 : The Reincarnation of Nellie, A Wiser Heart, Wave of the Future, A Christmas They Never Forgot, The Legacy. S9 : Alden's Dilemma, Hello and Goodbye. Sleeping Beauty and The Lion King. Even a newborn could easily beat him up. View all replies >