MovieChat Forums > Zardoz (1974) Discussion > Is It Safe To Assume That Sean Connery R...

Is It Safe To Assume That Sean Connery REALLY




Really really.




No. Maybe he wanted to do a meaningful movie with deeper concepts than just using spy gizmos and banging women "for queen and country".........yet again.
Zaragoza, while 'strange' to American sci-fi audiences that are used to sci-fi being 'aliens trying to take over the earth' and spaceships and laser blasts, IS what sci-fi is really all about: fantastical visions of life that say something about how we live now and what it might lead to.


Thank you.


You do realize that sci fi movies like "2001: A Space Odyssey," "The Andromeda Strain," "Soylent Green," "THX1138," "Logan's Run," "Blade Runner," "The Matrix," "Contact," were all American films right? Americans are quite accustomed to cerebral science fiction films that are not just spaceships and laser blasts -- space opera, in other words. Space opera is just a sub-genre of science fiction, and American cinematic contributions to the sci fi genre as a whole are not limited to it.

Perhaps it's just that we don't think "Zardoz" is all that good as a science fiction film, or as a film period.


No, he just wanted to look fabulous.


You kidding? He read that script and saw he was going to be surrounded by scantily clad women the whole time. I'm sure he had a grand ol' time filming that one.

Death is the road to awe.


He wanted to slide down Charlotte Rampling's ramp. Who wouldn't?


No I don’t think so after all those James Bond movies.


It was the James Bond thing he was getting away from. Apparently he was having a hard time getting work in a post-Bond career phase. It wasn't the money he got from it, but the escape from typecasting.


Supposedly he felt he had been typecast as James Bond and was keen to play an altogether different type pf character, even agreeing to a deep salary cut. Interestingly, Burt Reynolds was the director’s first choice for the role.


excerpt and direct quote from Connery himself-

>>> When Sean Connery was sent the script, he was “absolutely caught by its originality”, as he told Gordon Gow from Films and Filming in 1974:

"It was one of the best ideas I’d come across for ages…So by the following weekend I was over in Ireland to prepare for filming.

What gripped me especially was the direction the people in [the script] were taking in the future existence, as opposed to space ships and rockets and all that…

…What does interest me is the possible development of society in centuries to come. The way different levels and types evolve in the script is intriguing and refreshing, and could well be true. The fact that people are not going to die, for example.

Many things are changed by the knowledge you’re not going to die. There’s no need to procreate, therefore it takes away the sexual drives. Today we live in the age of analysis: we can give answers as to why people do things, whether it’s ambition or fighting for power or because they hated their father or their mother – their hangups become a kind of blueprint to their behavior.

But if you take that away you get an entirely different concept of human beings." <<<
