Did GJ understand statistics?

He tells Charlie that he has a bigger chance than anyone else to find a golden ticket because he “wants it more.” I always understood that your chances of finding a ticket was directly proportional to the number of wonka bars you open. For example the girl in Charlie’s class opened 100 Wonka bars so she had 50 times the probability of finding a ticket compared to Charlie who only opened 2 bars. This is because 2/100 is one fiftieth. The girl in theory may not have wanted to find one as badly as Charlie but by the simple fact that she opened 50 times as many bars as he meant that’s she had that much greater chance of finding one. Maybe Grandpa Joe never took statistics or understood the laws of probabilities?


I love reading your thoughts on this film.. always give me a smile when I’m down. Keep it up ❤️


Except that the rest of the film can't happen unless Charlie finds a golden ticket, so there is actually 100% chance of him finding one.


Charlie and his Grandpa Joe could have snuck into the factory and forced Wonka to give them a tour at gunpoint.


National Lampoon's: Chocolate Vacation.


That would’ve been an interesting movie. I don’t think the Oompah Loompahs would’ve stood around and done nothing while Wonka was forced to give a tour at gunpoint. These were 1971 factory workers after all (not to mention their very tough background in Loompahland where they fought abuse and mistreatment from the Whangdoodles, Hornswogglers and Snozzwangers). Charlie and GJ would’ve had their hands full trying to use force to get the OLs to go along with anything against their will


Charlie and Grandpa Joe could’ve shot one Oompa Loompa right away to show they were serious and the rest of them would’ve been too afraid to do anything. Also why would the Oompa Loompas risk Wonka’s life trying to subdue Charlie and GJ? Best course of action would be to cooperate and just get the whole ordeal over with. Once the tour was over Charlie and GJ would hopefully release Wonka and go home.


GJ is a mess


You are telling me the man that decided to become bedridden with three other individuals and let his daughter support him for the rest of his life doesn't understand statistics? Come on.


Yes. When Charlie opens the candy on his birthday GJ actually expects there to be a golden ticket inside “I want to see that GOOOOLD!”. He just didn’t understand basic math.
