MovieChat Forums > Duel (1971) Discussion > What would you do if you were in Mann's ...

What would you do if you were in Mann's position?

After watching this movie many a time, I can see now that Mann had made some major mistakes in tackling the situation with the anonymous psycho truck driver. I know that you have to think of a solution on the move in that situation, but still, I believe I could have done better, although I know that wouldn't make much for nearly as entertaining movie...


Make a better effort to call the police.


Stay in the diner and call the Police. Don't order the cheese sandwich.


I would try to drive in his blind spot so he would keep on truckin' looking for me until he had to stop to refuel. Then get a good look at him and get the hell out of there.


In the diner scene, he should have slashed his tires or punched a hole in one or two. That would have brought the driver out in the open and he could handle it from there.


First thing I thought of was pop the tires somehow.


Too bad they didn't have the carry concealed law in that Era.. Weaver could've pulled out his 9MM and shot that truck's tire and ended this before it escalated


Found a way to confront the driver, outside of our vehicles, and kick the shit out of him.


A car can outrun and outmaneuver a semi trailer truck like that easily (yes, I've driven them). I would have just ditched the guy, but then the movie would've been over in five minutes.


Yep. He could have just made a quick u-turn and got behind the truck. No way the truck could have shaken him.
