MovieChat Forums > The Twilight Zone (1959) Discussion > Snacks/Meals/Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner


I figured that I would start this thread. So, what's on the menu? I always see a lot of great meals being made during the marathon. Wishing you all a great New Year, stay safe, and have a wonderful, fun, and amazing time! I am happy to see some Zoners on here!


This one of the few things I miss about having TV.

Have fun, everyone!


Buffalo wings and bourbon!


Xcalat3, that sounds wonderful! I will be making some Garlic Shrimp Spaghetti Aglio e Olio in a bit.


Eggrolls from the local chinese restaurant and i baked a keto friendly cake.


Shibez, now I want some eggrolls, lol. The keto cake sounds delicious! I hope you are having a great one!


I am having a great one! Nice relaxing day/night..Enjoying my first of my 2 days off from work watching TZ.


You enjoy that, Shibez! Sending positive vibes your way! Same here. I am enjoying my time off, You know, I might actually pick up some Hawaiian BBQ.


Hawaiian BBQ you say? That sounds lovely...are you in Hawaii? Is it anything like Korean BBQ?


L&L Hawaiian BBQ. I am in California. Oh, it is delicious! It's similar to Korean BBQ. A plate of short ribs, some strips of steaks, macaroni salad, side of rice and on a bed of cabbage. So good!


Damn that does sound good..I am in Upstate NY and I dont think we have anything like that. We have alot of Latin food restaurants, and Jamaican food restaurants here.


Oh, it's quite wonderful! I love going to this spot. I haven't been to NY in a long while! Same, here. We have lots of different food here as well, fusion food. I love hitting up new spots.


Shibez, I ended up having some lasagna and I still have the Hawaiian BBQ plate. So much food tonight. Some of my friends were sick and another friend is going to stop by later on tonight, I told her if I'm still up, she can stay the night.


Nice adamint. I ate too much food last night as well. I committed carbocide lol. Probably ate the most carbs I've had in a year.


Carbocide, lol! That's a good one! Same here! We have so much food! I am kinda dozing off now, I am going to try to stay up for The Howling Man on the West Coast feed.


Yes and I will pig out for 1 more day today..then back to my forever diet.


Same here! Lol, I will have to make that Garlic Shrimp Spaghetti Aglio e Olio. That keto cake you made sounds amazing, what kind was it that you made specifically?


At my local grocery store the brand "swerve" sells a keto cake mix that is out of this world...comes in chocolate or vanilla. I tried both and I like vanilla better. I have made it with a sugar free homemade frosting (butter, cream cheese, vanilla, and splenda) but I have also made it with a can of sugar free frosting from the store.


I went on an extremely healthy life style change back in May. Been working towards it for the last ten years and finally went all out. I mostly eat fruits and vegetables now with maybe one or two servings of lean chicken or turkey during the week. Cut sugar almost completely out of my eating and most processed foods. I did make some small exceptions during Thanksgiving and Christmas. I took small bits of my sister's low fat desserts etc. But generally I have gotten myself off bad foods. So snacks are pretty hard to do. Or at least ones that can last through a couple hours of tv. I usually make popcorn almost every night. Put light tasting olive oil and salt in it.


That's awesome galactus. I had weight loss surgery back in Feb and have been struggling to get my diabetes in check for the past 7 years. before surgery I made the decision to finally go sugar free and keep my carbs in check and finally get my diabetes under control. I've been doing really good. I am the lowest weight I've been in my adult life. And still losing. About 40lbs more to my goal.


That's Great. 😎😎😎 It gets easier as time goes on. I look forward to eating certain fruits and vegetables now ...instead of candy and potato chips.... I wasn't too overweight in May. I was around 184 and I'm 5'11". My max weight should be about 181. I lost 30 pounds from about May to August. I have to admit though I'm a bit underweight now. So I need to gain about 15 pounds back. But I have to gain muscle not fat. That takes time...

Anyhow keep at it. Those 40 will come off in no time.


Galactus, that is great to hear! It is truly inspirational and admirable to hear your journey on a healthier diet. I know I need to do that as well and try to discipline myself.


Thanks. You can do it. I didn't plan a specific day. As I said for about 9 or 10 years I have been cutting out foods here and there, light work outs here and there with the intention of going all out. I just woke up one day last May and said, that's it I'm doing it. Chucked out all the remaining bad stuff. Got all my exercise equipment back out and didn't look back. I was not really doing it as much for weight loss as I was for heart health and to prevent early onset of other issues. It's kind of fun to discover foods I never tried as well as exercising again. It's actually quite wonderful and unless I get incapacitated somehow I will continue to do this until I can't.


Galactus, seriously that is inspirational and really made me think about the food that I need to toss out too and cut out of my diet. I know that I will have to do the same, as we age it gets tougher and we have to be more consciousness about our decisions on what we put into our bodies and to hear your story and many others is truly inspirational and pushes me even more to do it. Thank you so much for sharing and I cannot wait to hear more from you. Sending positive vibes your way and keep up the great work on yourself, bud!


That's wonderful that you eat so healthy. I like to eat healthy too. I always try to eat some raw veggies with my lunch at work; like celery sticks or baby carrots and I like to eat regular oatmeal in the morning with a piece of multigrain toast with almond butter. :)


I woke up early today on new year's and made a pot of split pea soup. I had 2 bowls today and will probably be eating it for a week. For my new year's day meal I struggled in what to get because this will be my last carb loaded meal for a very long time...I went back n fourth between Long Horn steak house and olive garden..but eventually decided on smash burger. I was craving their smash fries. Currently in burger heaven right now.


Shibez, the pea soup sounds delicious. I had a ham and cheese croissant. The smash burger sounds delicious right now, but I need to get around to that Garlic Shrimp Spaghetti Aglio e Olio. Also, that is great to hear you getting your diabetes under control and your weight loss. Keep it up, my friend! Let's all enjoy a wonderful meal during this TZ marathon!


Split pea soup is great. Haven't had that in a long while. Healthy and it is great with some oyster crackers....


Yeah I plan I eating that until it's finished for my meals. I will lose any weight I out in these past 2 days.


Have you ever had sweet potato soup? It's really good when you top it with croutons; yum!!!!


Mmm, Smash Burger! Are you in Michigan by chance?


My husband and I made artichokes and mashed potatoes and some Martinelli's Apple cider too yum!!!


We had so many holiday leftovers I kind of picked at those most of the time. Then some stuffed pizza tart. Then my daughter and I made a bunch of butter spritz cookies, munching a few of those now with some wine.


That sounds wonderful shannongr!!!!


Too bad we're not all at a potluck, I would share them with everyone!


That would be awesome if we were all together enjoying a huge potluck. That would be so much fun!!!!!


I would be so down to have a huge potluck with fellow Zoners watching the marathon!


That would be cool if all of us could meet someday and watch TZ together. :)


@andreaahr, that sounds so good right now! Especially with the Martinelli's Apple Cider! I need to run out and buy a bottle. Some friends might stop by, so I will have to go mobile.

@shannongr Can never go wrong with Holiday Leftovers! Those butter spritz cookies sounds amazing! I am so jealous right now, lol. You enjoy them!

I have my Garlic Shrimp Spaghetti Aglio e Olio, leftover lasagna, some Hawaiian BBQ. Sooo good, yet so unhealthy, but oh so good! Eat up and drink up everyone and have a great night marathoning TZ!


If you can find a bottle of the organic Martinelli's Apple Cider, it is really good. I usually find it at Whole Foods. :)


That actually sounds really good! I never had the organic one, I will have to try that.
