MovieChat Forums > The Twilight Zone (1959) Discussion > Seriously. Is it me or does this feel li...

Seriously. Is it me or does this feel like...

we are in a real-life Twilight Zone episode with the impending dissolution of the message boards. 

I can hear the Chancellor now. "You of the IMDB Twilight Zone board...are OBSOLETE!"

::::looking around for Anthony Fremont:::: Wishing I could put the people behind this decision in the cornfield, "Drive" them to a "Stopover in a Quiet Town" or have Talky Tina pay a "Long Distance Call".

Maybe this is just a "Spur of the Moment" decision and we won't be popping out of "The Bewitchin' Pool" saying "Where is Everybody?". 

No worries, though. I know we will meet "Twenty Yards Over the Rim" or even within "Walking Distance".  This "Changing of the Guard" surely won't be the end of our TZ Fam. 

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination..."


Since this board's closing, I guess "next stop's Willoughby". I'm moving to another board, " going my way?" We'll be "the passerby"on the way until "the arrival" there. At least now, we'll have experienced "two" boards after "the hunt" to find it after spending "the after hours" figuring where to look. When we get there, we'll "ring-a-ding girl", hope she'll let us in to see "what you need" and us too. We'll be back on a board "time enough at last". Hope they have "a piano in the house".


when we get there, we'll "ring-a-ding girl", hope she'll let us in to see "what you need" and us too. We'll be back on a board "time enough at last". Hope they have "a piano in the house".

Nice, richspenc! 

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination..."


Rich- Very well done!

Never say never...


Thanks. Still got my sense of humor. 😉


The TZ was a prophetic show -- today's reality isn't too far from what the show was warning about...


The TZ was a prophetic show -- today's reality isn't too far from what the show was warning about...


That's one of the things I love about this show (along with the other obvious reasons) that the social issues/morals in these episodes are as relevant today maybe moreso than they were when they originally aired.


-- today's reality isn't too far from what the show was warning about...

Like that one with the Scarey Dummy?

You Fill Me with Inertia.


Yes, I will very much miss the imdb message boards, and this one, too, since I drop by here every so often... The end of an era.


I am so disappointed that they've decided to shut down the boards on us. :-(


I just don't see a reason big enough for them to have made their minds up to make such a huge decision.


I don't think they think of it as being a huge decision. They have done a cost benefit to how wise it is to maintain the boards and they think they can do better.

It is a bummer. I hope you are feeling better soon (not just about the TZ boards)..

Never say never...


...and, uh ... I don't know the ins and outs of imdb business methodology. But over and over again I've read that Amazon purchased imdb? So is the boards closure really issuing from imdb itself, or from "Amazon headquarters"? Not that it matters a whole lot, but there seems to be a dichotomy on where to place the responsibility for this decision...


Well, IMDb came into being ca 1990 and roughly 8 years or so later became a subsidiary of The gory details are outlined reasonably well (for once) at

Offhand I'm guessing that the "click-bait" traffic generated by amazon ads isn't what it once was.


Thanks for your reply, doug65oh, and for the link. Nice to get an explanation.


I've enjoyed posting with you and others here on the TZ board, shall miss it. Some really good discussions here.

Rather than PM you, Jennie, on a personal level, I shall miss posting with you a good deal, hope that you know that that other site (and no, it's not A Nice Place To Visit hell and I'm not Mr. Pip). If not, you can PM me or just go to the classics board, where it's being discussed. It's sort of a clone of this place but without the IMDB search engine, so we'll have to make do.

This is, btw, an open invitation to all .


Telegonus- Thanks very much. I will miss you very much. I remember fondly our discussion of Robert Warshaw on the TBYOOL board. You are only person I know (well, I use "know" liberally) who has read his book. I enjoyed your input on a lot of classic films as well as TZ. I may check out the classic film site, but I don't think anything can replace IMDb for sheer breadth of content.

There are several old movies I absolutely love and have never had anyone with whom I could discuss them. IMDb provided an invaluable venue for stimulating discussion. (And, really- when it comes to classic films-- it was largely a troll-free zone. Trolls have neither the patience nor the intellect to watch anything in Black and White).

Take care. You are a great guy!

Never say never...


Thanks, Jennie. The new site's up and running. I enjoyed our exchanges, too. The loss of all these boards, often on obscure movies and TV shows, is a great loss for many of us. As to the new site, it's good enough but no IMDB. Still, for the time being it shall have to do.


Jennie, I just sent you a Private Message on IMDb. Now, I've just joined MovieChat. DoctorJuliaHoffman is present.


"EtaoinShrdlu001 11 days ago
-- today's reality isn't too far from what the show was warning about...
Like that one with the Scarey Dummy?"

EtaoinShrdlu001, I think I understand what you're getting at, and I couldn't agree more.
No joke, I have seriously felt like I was in the Twilight Zone for the past three months.
I watch the Twilight Zone (series) partly to get away from the Twilight Zone (reality).


Cool that they imported many posts over from there. This being one of them.


Too funny. We're in the Twilight Zone! Earlier I was saying that this feels kind of like an IMDb ghost town.


IMDb ghost town? Sorta, but this site (thus far) has friendly ghosts.


It's just you.


With the boards gone (from the IMDB, that is) it's more like The Day After. I do see hope in this site and that other one (v.2). It's not the same, needless to say, but it's going to have to do.


telegonus, which one is v.2? I know the sitcomsonline and TMDb websites. The former's "The Twilight Zone" message boards hasn't been active since the end of last year. The latter's message boards looked pretty empty the last time I looked.


I should have been more specific, Dr. Julia, didn't want to advertise another site but WTF: it's imdb v.2, though it's often difficult to find on-line. If you google and it doesn't come up you might want to add forums to the search or, better still, join Proboards, an excellent message board site (along the lines of Yuku but more modern feeling). It's free, a bit complicated to get into at first but you can search for imdb v.2 (or v2, making it one word, etc.). If this doesn't work feel free to contact me. It's not quite easy as pie but it ain't rocket science, either...


I couldn't find imdb v.2 even after adding "forums", telegonus. I did find Proboards though. Is there more activity on Proboards than there is here? (BTW, I'm liking this site. So far, I've found people much nicer here than on IMDb.)




"(BTW, I'm liking this site. So far, I've found people much nicer here than on IMDb.)"

I feel the same way.

I've looked at all of the alternatives, and this one's my favorite. Between the clean and easy to use design/interface, and the people, I see a lot of potential for it becoming the best site out there for us IMDb refugees.

Nice to meet you, DrJulia :)


Thank you for posting the link, 9.

Nice to meet you too, Catbookss. I agree with you regarding this site's clear and easy to use design/interface and its people. It does show a lot of potential to become the best site for former IMDb message boards users. A lot of message boards here haven't even started to become busy yet. But, give them time...


Yes, I've checked out several others, and even though this one got a late start, as far as being able to tell other IMDb posters about it, it's shaping up very nicely! I've been very pleasantly surprised to see it has as much activity as it does, given this is still very early days.


Dr. Julia: I don't know why it's so damn difficult to find that forum by googling. It's on my favorites menu AND, fortunately, I'm a member of another Proboard site, so I'm "protected".

Yes, the Proboards IMDB v.2.0 (maybe the extra zero would help,--it helped me early on--go figure, eh?) is quite busy, loads of familiar names, among them, and I just responded to him, Boo Radley, from way back, and ECarle, Gubbio and Spiderwort as well, and that's just off the top of my head.


telegonus, it's a real mystery why it's so hard to find that forum via googling. Thanks for providing the info above. I'll have to check these sites out. I've known Gubbio for a couple of years from the "Laura" (1944) message boards on IMDb.


There's yet another good site, like this, also featuring old IMDB message boards and a similar set-up, but one thing at a time, eh? (I hope that some day that they'll be able to combine them all, which would create something very like the old IMDB message boards system.)


The board has gone back in time. It's back in other words. :p
