MovieChat Forums > Bari Weiss Discussion > Liberals cancelling her left and right b...

Liberals cancelling her left and right because she dared go against the COVID narrative

Her recent segment on Bill Maher sure triggered a lot of "liberals" who seem obsessed with the pandemic never coming to an end. Props to her for speaking up against it.


Good! Fuck liberals….Not that I would! I don’t like furry creatures.


It's more because she is stupid. Especially on that subject, and so is Bill Maheron.


You are stupid! You didn't even watch the clip.


I saw the show when it debuted. As many times as you self-avowed satanistic right-wingers lie about things you could not possibly know, like if I watched that clip, or accusing me of lying, all the other things you think you know or just plain make up double or triple your lie total.


You think Maher is stupid yet you watch Real Time? No wonder you're a deranged MoronChat troll! Get help.


By making you say stuff like that, name-calling and baseless claims, I don't need help, I am helping, you to look like exactly what you are.


How is she stupid? She said nothing but facts.


Hah, facts on the Bill Maher show? Good one. Maher has been a fact-free zone now for some time. In fact it's fast becoming a comedy free zone as well his jokes are so worn out and bad.


You didn't answer the question.


Cancel her, cancel Maher, cancel Rogan, cancel who knows who else next.

I just saw a poll from gallup that showed that people wildly overestimate the chances of being hospitalized with Covid, and people on the left were actually the worst. It's the respectable, establishment media that are the reason for this, and they want people cancelled for spreading misinformation.


So what? What scientific information do the American people have right? They're stupid, and that is mostly on the Right. Liberals in general are far more educated, affluent and informed than Conservatives, but until lied about or it is necessary we don't normally see a reason to emphasize those numbers and make Conservatives feel any worse than they already do.


You've just proved you are an idiot.

The poll shows people are wrong about a simple fact, but lefties are wrongest. Stop watching Fake News!


Liberals are not more educated. They are more easily indoctrinated, because they lack the reasoning ability necessary to think for themselves. Conservatives are far more informed. All of the corona virus hysteria of the left is the result of science ignorance and denial.


> They are more easily indoctrinated

Like the Trumpies and Republicans, in lockstep and marching to Trumpism ... good one ... swallowing every lie that comes their way.


> who seem obsessed with the pandemic never coming to an end.

Again, why is it you have to make us stuff to call people names. Thanks for countries not following rules we are indeed stuck with a new killed disease that we probably will not be rid of until science pulls another miracle out of its hat ( than Republicans will scoff and refuse ) like the new mRNA vaccines.

I am more obsessed than you that this pandemic end, I just prefer to do it in a way that saves lives.

Why are Republicans so oblivious to murder. Do you guys no have friends, wives, relatives, parents, grandparents, and why so happy about getting a chance to kill them, and yourselves. Do what you want with your own pathetic lives, but you needn't be so delighted about the chance to cough it onto someone else.


Typical hyperbolic leftist hysteria.


Standard Leftist tactic = Demonization of anyone who disagrees with you. You can see it in the Canadian news right now, the way they are painting the truck protest as some kind of Nazi invasion. What a creepy, evil, deceitful bunch of mutants the Left is.


> Standard Leftist tactic = Demonization of anyone who disagrees with you.

If you check your posts, either you're a Leftist, or you are a typical Right-wing nut continuing to spread the standard name-calling lies about the Left because you have nothing better.


That's funny... When I check your posts, it just tells me you're a brainwashed goof!


Maybe you ought to wonder why you spend so much time on something so unproductive.


LOL! I guess we just can't ALL be earth-shaking social justice warriors for lasting change like YOU! PFFFTTT!
