MovieChat Forums > Dylan Mulvaney Discussion > Trannies man, they creep me out.

Trannies man, they creep me out.



You know what's funny? Straight men are the dominant group when it comes to violent crimes, including sexual assault, intimate partner violence and murder, and men are more likely to be pedophiles. So when I'm out at night, getting into a car or headed down a quiet street, I'm not looking out for any trans people. But sure, a biological man in a wig, oooh.


Nice bit of generalisation.

Speaking as someone who's been attacked, sexually harassed/assaulted, threatened and bullied by both males and females, I don't know who I should be looking out for... 🤷‍♂️


Not a generalization, just statistical facts. Why is it so hard to admit that facts are facts? Women commit more theft, more offenses related to sex work and more property crimes than men, women's feelings aren't hurt by this fact, it's just a fact, not a generalization.

But why is it that men's harassment is only introduced into a conversation when it comes to bigotry against any other group of people? And it doesn't even makes sense because, according to a lot of people here, trans women for example are not "real" women, so aren't you contributing to bullying men? Like men absolutely matter when it comes to violence and sexual assault. But guess who's doing most of that assaulting and violence to men? Other men. Just a fact. And don't tell me that if you were getting into you car alone at night and you saw a drunk man on your left and a drunk woman on your right, both approaching you, that you would be much more afraid of being killed by the drunk woman.

Also, regardless, it wouldn't be a trans person you'd be specifically looking out for.


Per capita trans are overrepresented in violent crime and sexual assault statistics compared to real men and women.


Hey groomer who I just blocked, I'm under no obligation to read your trash so gfys


I can reply to who I like, fascist
