MovieChat Forums > Xi Jinping Discussion > Revolting China: Ugly stats of a dirty p...

Revolting China: Ugly stats of a dirty people

UK foreign office and WHO sites give the following:

Nearly half a billion people in China never brush their teeth
It is estimated that less than half of the rural population and only 10% of Chinese city dwellers have proper dental hygiene! It's so bad that many people resort to using twigs or green tea to clean their teeth, either out of tradition or out of necessity due to poverty. Currently, for every 60,000 people in China, there is only one dentist.

Percentage and Number of people who defecate in the open - China
(Tot pop. 1,411,778,724)
1% of the population, or 13 million people (2018)

Chairman Mao, whom even today's Chinese worship, was an unwashed pedophile whose teeth were stained green.

Nice people.


Damn. You are lucky that you weren't born into that kind of poverty. There is no good reason to hate on people who are victims of a backwards society.


Agreed 100%, Jinx! 💋​
(this smooch without any irony)


Thank you!


You're welcome. ☺
China has a great history and culture.
This made me feel like a very, very small tourist:


Aren't those amazing?! It's difficult to even imagine what the world would look like without all of the advancements China contributed to the world throughout History.

Unfortunately the dictators who've been in power over there have held the Chinese people back from their potential and it's been really horrible for a lot of them, and us too, it's holding the whole world back!


Yesssss, it's amazing, stunning and...heartbreaking.
The protests at the "Gate of Heavenly Peace" in 1989 what ended so badly.
Same year we were so happy about the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Recently the developments in Hong Kong. 😢​

On the other hand many problems are closer.
What could people achieve if we would let each other live without fighting.
Well, we aren't even able to keep peace within our families.
A democratic world peace is a long way off.


You have no idea what you're talking about.


Don't forget how abominable their environmental regulations are. If the greenies saw some of the disgusting things China has done to its air, soil, and water, and forcing their people to live in that filth, the greenies would vomit.


Probably you're neither a "greenie" nor a Chinese. 🤓​
