MovieChat Forums > Michelle Wolf Discussion > Michelle Wolf’s WHCD Speech Sparks War o...

Michelle Wolf’s WHCD Speech Sparks War of Words Between Celebs and the Press

Journalists generally condemned the stupid bitch, with Hollywood LibTards like Mikey Moore and MeatHead praising the ugly cow.

Debate continues to rage over Michelle Wolf’s “comedy” act delivered at Saturday’s White House Correspondents’ Association’s annual dinner with many in the media embarrassed over the profane address even as many celebrities rejoiced at the speech.


Bitch and ugly cow... gosh, you sure do seem to be taking her jokes personally, SNOWFLAKE!

Awfully TRIGGERED topic here.... You realize she didn't mention you by name, right?

Hope you feel better soon, buttercup. Maybe Mike Huckabee will send you a pony.


Don't like it when I imitate SJWs, do you butthurt SJW? Nothing wrong with calling her a bitch, she is psycho like most lefties.


Oh LOL @ your defensive posturing bullshit! What a sad clown.


gosh, you sure do seem to be taking her jokes personally, SNOWFLAKE!

Can you even imagine the backlash if Ann Coulter or some other female conservative had done the SAME EXACT THING to an overweight liberal female reporter or politician carrying a few extra pounds?!?!?


Are you talking about Michelle Wolf complimenting Sarah Huckabee Sanders on her makeup? Because that's what she did.


Seriously, I just want to repeat: She complimented Sarah on her makeup. Is that an insult?


Wolf did not insult Sarah H’s appearance. She insulted Chris Christie and Mitch Mconnel’s appearance. To say otherwise is a ginned up falsehood. It reminds me of 2008 when someone said the phrase “lipsticks on a pig” refering to one of Sarah Palin’s policy proposals and conservatives jumped on it and claimed they were implying Sarah Palin was a pig. So half the idiots will believe their tribe has been insulted without hearing it from the source. Fools like Satan2016 will run with this all week. Social justice is a good thing Satan2016 I hope someday you’ll learn this before you decide to shoot up a Waffle House.


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump denied he had ever called female adversaries some of the words Fox News host Megyn Kelly listed at the first GOP debate — "fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals." In fact, he has used all of those terms.

All this, versus Wolf saying Sarah Huckabee's makeup was a "perfect smoky eye," which you find unacceptable apparently!

To the Trump supporter who flamed me for correcting a misconception about what Michelle Wolff said: You're right. She WAS disgusting when she mocked a disabled journalist, insulted Muslims, African Americans, Jews and a Gold Star family, called Mexicans "rapists," white supremacists "very fine people" and women pigs and disgusting animals. What was she thinking when she joked that she was planning to date a little girl in the audience 10 years later and bragged about barging into dressing rooms to spy on naked teenagers? And she even boasted about grabbing women by the p---y! Oh wait, that was YOUR guy, the president! Wolff was the comedian who said that SHS had "a perfect smoky eye" from burning facts.

Are there any standards anymore, or have the Conservatives absolutely thrown all decency out the window in order to worship at the altar of one of the most disgusting, greedy people who has ever walked the Earth?


You're citing a Breibart article? You're calling Michelle Wolf misogynistic names while complaining about her act which offended you? The hypocrisy is rich.
