Promoted Anorexia

Years back she was engaging with pro anorexic groups behind the scenes. She had her ''thigh gap'' on display deliberately. This was between the period of 2013-2017.

She's out of the super skinny game now now that she's older. But there's something about that time that you can't forget.


She is still super skinny


super hot tho. a million times hotter than Kylie Jenner since she is natural


She has had work done in the face. Bodywise Ariana looks like a joke next to Kylie.


personally i think the 90s heron chick models have better bodies than the modern big booty hood bodies being celebrated in the media today. to each his own, i think Ariana has way better body than Kylie, she is like a barbie doll next to a big booty momma


thigh gaps are hot tho if the girl isn't actually anorexic and just naturally skinny. she was never anorexic, always seemed healthy and very attractive physically. ur probably just overweight and ugly because of ur food addiction and hating on her for getting the attention u never got....


Hottest skinny girl ever is Elsa Host:

Amazing, still no match for Kylie Jenner tho.


Elsa Host is perfection, except maybe her lips are injected with that silicone shit is the only problem with her. her body is way better than any "hourglass" figure that is in fashion in todays cultural climate. I like hour glass bodies don't get me wrong, but nothing is sexier than a Barbie girl like that


Yes Elsa's lips are an example of plastic surgery gone wrong not to mention unnecessary. She was perfect as she was.


yeah it is such a shame our perverse fucked up hood culture that has been mainstreamed by the media destroy so many hot girls by exploiting there low self esteem and selling them this lip injection shit they don't fucking need!!!! Elsa is so fucking hot but then u see those fish lips and realize they just dont belong and are fake right away....


Indeed, seriously look at that face:

How the hell did she come to the conclusion that she needed fake lips? Baffling.


yeah she was much more beautiful natural. i cant believe she wasted money and her beauty just to look like a cheap whore when she already looked like a goddess to begin with. it is fucking sad :(


I saw that picture and immediately thought of Dren from the movie Splice. I don't find her attractive at all but to each their own.


Look at the ''2015'' pictures of Ariana. She was looking like skin and bone back then.


i searched it and she looked super sexy to me. her only problem is those dumbass fucking tattoos she got, other than that she is perfect body in my opinion


I prefer her 2019 body. She looked better with some meat on her bones.


i googled both era and cant tell the difference. she was always skinny


KFC style






Anorexia and 'thigh gap' are two separate issues. It would be disingenuous to link the both.
