MovieChat Forums > Zara Phythian Discussion > Accused of sexual assault of a minor.

Accused of sexual assault of a minor.


Another paedo celebrity. Who'd have seen that coming...


While I think that Zara and her husband are disgusting, I really don't think that celebrity has anything to do with them sexually assaulting a teenager. We just hear a lot more about the famous people. Or just people in the business as I don't know how much of a celebrity she is.

Not a paedo though. The victim was 13 when the abuse started.


It's the fact it's part of celebrity/elite culture. That they think they are above the average person so should be allowed to get away with this shit. And yeah, I can't say I had even heard of her before this and don't remember seeing her in Dr. Strange but still, I think she thinks she's in that world.

Pretty sure if an adult sexually abuses a 13 year old, that makes them a paedo...


A paedo is someone who has an attraction to pre pubescent children. She was 13 -15 while the abuse had happened, which is after puberty for the majority of people. It's still despicable, and I am in no way defending it, it's just that it's not a case of paedophilia. It would still be statutory rape as the age of consent in the UK is 16.

I do a lot of volunteer work with victims of sexual assault, and I can assure you that most of them were not victims of celebrities. Sick people are sick people. I do understand what you are saying about them feeling elite and able to get away with it more than a common person, but common people who would act in that way will still put themselves in a position of power that doesn't need to involve celebrity.


If you were charged with sexually assaulting a 13 year old, you think you wouldn't be known as the local paedo?


Perhaps, but that doesn't make it accurate or correct.


I don't think you'd have the luxury of debating technicalities in this situation...


Pedophilia is a mental disorder, I think that it's important not to use it interchangeably with anyone who has sex with a minor. An 18 year old who has sex with a 15 year old is not a paedo.


Yes, we all know the dictionary definition of stuff...You've already agreed with me that society would view you as a paedo...Laws exist for a reason, I know the left think raping children is A OK but it is unquestionably taking advantage of children if you conduct yourself as a paedo would.


This has absolutely nothing to do with politics. God. What's wrong with you?


Nothing. Your defence of those who molest children is just getting a little too uncomfortable.


Really?? This is how you want to present yourself? Poor, poor attempt at trolling.


Ah yeah. There it is. Anyone that disagrees with you is a troll. Pathetic.

Take a step back and see you're defending people that molest children...


Oh it's not that you are disagreeing with me. It's your accusing me of defending child molesters. That is troll behaviour. You disagree with me, so you are accusing me. That is very elementary level trolling, and I'm sorry but it's just not effective trolling.


You seem to have a different understanding of words then...


you look like a clown here


OK groomer.


npc repeating the same nonsense lol

you got owned here by sslssg


lol. You clearly don't know what an NPC is you disgusting groomer.

You think that was owned? I think you need to recalibrate your life choices.


you just repeat lines. everyone is a "groomer". thats the newest buzzword from right wingers

you are arguing emotions while sslssg educates you like a kid in school


You just hate it that it accurately reflects you people.


not clown boy. you said

"It's the fact it's part of celebrity/elite culture. That they think they are above the average person so should be allowed to get away with this shit. And yeah, I can't say I had even heard of her before this and don't remember seeing her in Dr. Strange but still, I think she thinks she's in that world."

the events started BEFORE her first ever credited acting role. as sslssg pointed out its not a "Hollywood thing". its a "we heard about it because its a celebrity thing".

he then tried to explain to you that peodophilia isnt post pubescent. but you were too dumb to get that.

then you claimed the left think "raping children" is okay.

you are just an idiotic mess man. lol overall dumb fuck


lol keep posting groomer


damn they've trained you well. were you born this slow or had trauma as an adult?

aww the sad loser is triggered by me describing reality. go back to 4chan and Alex jones boards


OK groomer


go on 4 chan, shut the brain off, repeat the slogans. damnn you are braindead kid.


OK groomer


hahahah the spazo bot is broken. "hebeophilia and pediophilia are different"


you believe in lizard people too?


OK groomer


HAHAH Hes spazing again ;) thats what happens when you spend all day searching your conspiracy sites


How long will it take you to work out you're only worth an...

OK groomer


ill keep embarrassing you til you shut up. You re a trash human and deserve to be treated as such incel


OK groomer


yes the right wings obsession with child sex and groomers, while defending them like that creepy Supreme Court judge. you prob do "lots of research" while calling others pedos


OK groomer


awww the little bot is struggling. still living at moms house huh?


OK groomer


awww incel your brains broken :) you figure out what a hebeophile is yet clown boy?


OK groomer


hahah rekt kid


OK groomer


good thing mommy is there to wipe your drool from your face


OK groomer


you do a lot of "research on it" done you? I hope the fib is on to you


OK groomer


mom let you back on lol?


OK groomer


We should TOTALLY argue about the meaning of pedo, because itmchanges the situation


The first incident happened in 2005. The first credit in the film industry that both her and her husband have is 2006.


The term you’re looking for is hebephile.


This took place before they were celebrities.


SMH. Disgusting. Her husband is 23 years older than her too, with all due respect to age difference couples that's something of a red flag when it's that notable a difference. Sick bastards.


Quote from the article: "The girl, who is now an adult, told police that the couple filmed most of the abuse in an attempt to recreate pornographic scenes."

Has anyone found this alleged footage of the alleged crimes? If not, this is yet another instance of somebody accusing someone else of sexual deviancy, eons after the fact


Someone should ask Hunter Biden. He loves CSAM. He's probably seen the footage.


I heard about this. If it's true, her and her hubby should be in jail for 50 years minimum.




strange how this leaked out without any charges being laid. the uk have tight laws over this kind of thing. also, i have no idea who she is.


I did see another article that said how many charges were laid against each of them.


I'm glad the authorities were able to catch these two, and the courts found them guilty.

... From the article, it sort of implies Zara was (possibly) groomed. It states that Zara was a "teenager" when she sexed Mr. Marke. Has it been confirmed at what age she met the guy?
