Piece of shit

Now slahs off ehrnfathern to the world coz hendoesntnliekmabortionl




Piece of shit has a 1000 eyes.




.....pardon me?


Apparently, she voted Republican in the past (i.e. 2008 when John McCain was the GOP candidate). She says she was a 'little Republican', a vibe I've always gotten from her, but she now identities as a 'liberal'.

So, in other words, another spoiled little rich kid raised in the lap of privilege by rich conservative parents, who benefited from right-wing policies, who was happy to be a Republican when it *suited* her, but now she's in Hollywood, she's a 'liberal' because that's the 'acceptable' position among her *new* paymasters (her rich right-wing daddy and mommy being her *old* paymasters).

I speak as someone who has been a staunch LEFTIST, since I was *12*, and who has ALWAYS voted for left-leaning political parties, irrespective of my blue-collar, working-class, right-leaning dad (who, suffice to say, DIDN'T benefit from the conservative political system as J-Law's rich construction company daddy, who gave her an easy start in life, did).

Sorry, but these spoiled white rich brats (and, yes, I am white, but unlike J-Law, I wasn't born into PRIVILEGE), need to realise which side their bread is buttered on. They benefited from their rich parents' right-wing policies, whilst the rest of us SUFFERED under conservative administrations. She's NO *true* leftist, like those of us who've been left-wing since we were *KIDS* out of *NECESSITY* and NOT because we 'want to be part of the cool [Hollywood] crowd.

FUCK these spoiled rich white hypocritical Hollywood elitists. 😠


You had me at "ehrnfathern".
