He's a Russian citizen now, maybe Putin has a job for him!


As a Serb, he'll probably feel comfortable in Russia.
He can talk to GΓ©rard Depardieu about the Ukrainian front line. πŸŽ€β€‹

And I need to remember how to create most effectively new OPs. ☺


Storm-Z should be mandatory for warmongers like him


he and snowden should go fight for russia if they love the place so much.


A Black Russian or a White Russian?



Do you support Gays for Hamas as well??


Never heard of it. But no, I do not support Hamas. And I do not support Israel's random bombing of civilians in Gaza.

There are moderate positions which seek peace. No, the U.S. has an agenda here. We failed in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq. What makes you think your State Department is right this time?

We have no business meddling in Ukraine. And if not for the U.S. there would be peace in Ukraine now.

Your compliant attitude has given the world 60 years of global war.

Time to stop.


JFC you supporters of the Ukrainian oligarchs can't tolerate any opposition, can you?

Death toll is now at half a million Ukrainian soldiers. They're being fed meth by the Ukrainian military to turn them into fearless automatons. And the U.S. government keeps bankrolling this mindless proxy war with Russia.

Time for a ceasefire and negotiations.

But of course you can't say that in the West, as this thread shows.


Guten Morgen, Onan! β˜€οΈβ€‹
I missed your support for Russia.

Your anger shows me that you missed this one.
European Union agrees to more than $50 billion in Ukraine aid

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦β€‹πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦β€‹ Slava Ukraini! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦β€‹πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦β€‹
For your freedom, for your families, for your kidnapped children.
For your incredible brave fight.

​πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ίβ€‹β€‹πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ίβ€‹ For a free Europe! ​πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ίβ€‹β€‹πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ίβ€‹


You mean the Ukraini are Slaves of U.S. Neo-Conservatism which seeks to revive the Cold War.

I don't support Russia. I just think it's horrific that the Ukrainians are being slaughtered in a war they can't win.


What's astonishing is so many Europeans buy this hokum.


Take your Z-propaganda elsewhere Igor!


No honey, You are nazi russian supporter on payroll. At least own it.


Damn, who do I contact to get my rubles???!!!


Oh dear. You are doing it for free? You are that cheap and don't value yourself?


we give 6 year olds meth here in the USA if they are being annoying in class and have "adhd"


Hahaha. You make a good point.


Oh my God. I can't even tell if you are trolling or you are completely serious with that nonsense.

Stop consuming russian propaganda and eat their shit. They lie to you, honey. Because they think that you are too stupid to understand anything on your own.

Glory to Ukraine. Fuck nazi russia.

Anytime when some pro-russia bitch say words "ceasefire and negotiations what they really mean is that russia needs time to produce more weapon and train more soldiers to attack Ukraine even more. That's why russia is ordering its bots to run around Internet and demand "ceasefire and negotiations". To give russia time to regroup. fucking cockroaches.


Emori the Ukrainian bot is back.

This war is destroying Ukraine, Russia has offered negotiations, but the U.S. is blocking it.


nazi russia is destroying Ukraine. War will stop next day if russia will stop attacking Ukraine and get out.

If Ukraine will stop defending then next day there will be no Ukraine.

Why is is so hard to understand?

russia didn't offer no negotiations. That is some nonsense trumpists created for themselves. Literally.

There already were negotiations. in 2014. Called Minsk agreements. russia waited 8 years, prepared soldiers and weapon and did full scale invasion. They will absolutely do it again. That's why no negotiations can be possible. Why are tumpists so stupid and cant understand it is beyond me.

With any peace negotiations they will use that time to make more weapons and train more soldiers. But you already know it, russian bot.


Good things happen. We made it, kids. We cancelled this russian nazi bitch.

Good riddance.


YOU didn't do anything like that.
Still and now Ukrainians die...and yes, it breaks my heart.


Very proud I helped to cancel this russian nazi.


Yah, I'm touched.


He touches himself.
