MovieChat Forums > Paula Patton Discussion > What happened to Paula Patton?

What happened to Paula Patton?

She starred in so many movies and then disappeared.

Anyone have any updates?


I forgot all about her, sad to see her career came to a halt.


Warcraft happened and nearly everyone involved saw a halt to their career trajectory.


She is gay. A lesbian, this has hindered her on securing more leads like Mission Impossible. "What man would romanticize about a Femme Lesbians" when seeing her in a movie. It's a hard biz and Hollywood is not inclusive enough.


That Warcraft movie did her no favors with the silly vampire teeth they gave her.


I saw her on an Episode of Law & Order, and the movie Baggage Claim, her performances were OK, but nothing to write home about. I guess she is focused on her kid right now. I hope she and Robin mended fences.
