MovieChat Forums > Amber Heard Discussion > Bankrupt Johnny Depp is suing Amber

Bankrupt Johnny Depp is suing Amber

$$$ Desperate for some cash. $$$

I believe that Johnny Depp is an abuser because he released statements claiming that Amber had soiled their bed and blamed the dog. Only an abusive person would do that. Small dogs are known for "accidents", why try to humiliate your ex wife for no reason? What a cruel thing to say about a former spouse you claimed to love. Maybe that's why she claimed you're an abuser, dude.


Actually according to a simple Google Search, Johnny's net worth is $200 million dollars. Hardly poor by any stretch. No the suit against Heard is due to her calling him an abuser when clearly she was the abuser. As for the dogs, she was the one who sneaked the dogs into Australia without them clearing customs. SHE had to pay a fine and issue an apology claiming she didn't know the laws of the country. Hard to believe he's an abuser when all of his exes including Kate Moss, Wynnona Ryder, and Vanessa Paradis all issued statements in his defense. So did his children and many actors and directors who worked with Depp. There was a handful of people supporting Heard, among them her two girlfriends. Oops, only two. It should be noted that Heard herself was arrested for abuse of her ex girlfriend.

She claimed the cop had a vendetta against lesbians. Only problem there is the cop who arrested her was a woman who was married to a woman. So far the only one who has been arrested for spousal abuse is Heard. It's something when even Gloria "Ambulance Chaser" Allred won't take her case. But no, Depp is suing her because she's a liar and a bitch. This isn't about humiliating her. Heard does that pretty good all on her own. There's a reason Elon Musk sent her packing.


Assuming you're right, and I'm making no judgement (I don't wish to be attacked!), it's a shame Depp's name and career has already suffered, the latest Pirates of the Caribbean film underperforming and, the typically cowardly and non-committal, Disney choosing to avoid any controversy by rebooting the franchise without him. It's also clear that a lot of observers in the media, none of whom know Depp or Heard personally, have automatically chosen to take her side, seeing as it's always a bad look to take the man's side in these things (once again, I stress, I make no judgement, so please don't attack me!)


I'm right. According to Forbes, Depp's wealth is stated at $200m. This is coming from Forbes.... And not wishing to be attacked when you're making such fallacious statements? As for the last POTC film, that was what two years ago? And what rock have you been under they're rebooting everything these days. It was inevitable Disney would reboot. Media has not taken her side. Did you read the TMZ article? The police who investigated the "broken glass and picture frame" incident cited no broken glass and no broken frame thus supporting Depp's side. Heard's "bruise" tended to appear and disappear according to the day. It also moved. Those are facts. You claim to "make not judgement" yet you have judged Depp both bankrupt when that is untrue, and you have also stated Heard's claims are factual, when they're not. To let you know Heard lied when she stated she couln't appear for a hearing in front of the divorce judge. She claimed she had a costume fitting in London, England for "Aquaman" when in all reality she was partying with friends in defiance of the judge's order. That is a proven fact. The judge ordered her to court citing her for having misled the court. In the divorce settlement she was granted $7 million dollars she promised to donate to a women's abuse shelter. Depp knowing she wouldn't do so donated the money in her name, thus giving her a tax right off, but also making sure the money got where she said it would go. All she did was bitch and moan he did that. That is a proven fact. Don't attack you indeed when you have ZERO proof on your side. Quit slinging Depp's name through the mud. He didn't do anything wrong. She did.


Um...I was actually anticipating being attacked from Heard defenders.

Like I say, I don't want to make a judgement, but if anything I thought my post was implicitly supportive of Depp (I was bemoaning the impact on Depp's career Heard's accusations seemed to have had).


No impact at all. JK Rowling stood by her support of Depp in his casting as Grindelwald despite Heard and her posse's trashing her. Problem is Rowling has far more cred than Heard and that's something Heard doesn't quite understand. People were actually boycotting "Aquaman" because of her. That hashtag went out when the film came out. But Depp's supporters are still there and his career hasn't suffered.


Unfortunately, for Depp and Rowling, Grindelwald underperformed badly.

Just as well they were able to offset Grindelwald's poor box-office with Aquaman's HUGE returns.


Aquaman did not succeed because of Heard. It did so because of Momoa. The point here is that Heard is a pariah and should be treated that way. Depp did nothing wrong.


Look, I like Depp. I've briefly met him, and he was awesome to me. I don't want to believe he abused Heard, and I'm more than happy to believe your initial post. All I'm saying is that the unfortunate allegations seemed to have had an impact on his career. That being the case, it actually makes Heard's conduct even worse, assuming she is, as you say, lying (and like I say, I like to believe you're right).


The only thing that has negatively impacted Johnny Depp's career is Johnny Depp. It sounds like he's abusing drugs and alcohol. He causes problems on film sets. He caused filming delays on POTC 5 because he punched a mirror, and he needed to return to the US for surgery on his hand. He was sued because he *punched someone* on a movie set last year.

Amber didn't make him do any of these things. Anyone who blames her or brings her name up is a tool, including Johnny Depp.


Physical violence is always a bad thing, but punching another guy is not the same thing as beating up a woman, let alone your female partner.


Battery is battery. Studios are dropping Johnny Depp like a hot potato because he's a liability. An actor can't go around punching the film crew, or stalling production because he's a drugged out mess. Blaming Amber for Depp's unprofessional behavior is absurd.


Depp is to blame for Depp.

But if Amber is lying about him hitting her, that's on her.

Personally, I don't know who's telling the truth, but you can't conflate one incident with another.


Why do people always assume women are lying? She supplied photographs and video evidence, and a judge granted a restraining order.


I'm not sure how much credibility you have, seeing as you confused me for another poster...

And where have I assumed Amber is lying?

Please read my first post. I specifically said I wasn't making a definitive judgement in the case, in order to avoid this type of criticism and attack. Despite that, you're still coming the fuck at me!


You said you don't want to believe her allegations. What does that mean? If you didn't assume she was truthful... then you assumed she was lying. It's one or the other.

I didn't confuse anyone. I replied to prometheus1816's post, and you are the one who started arguing with me.


I'm not psychic. I don't know who's telling the truth.

Look at Jussie Smollett. Many of us were inclined to believe him, but were relieved to discover he was in fact lying.


''Correlation is not causation. Amber being arrested in the past does mean Johnny Depp was not an abusive husband''.
Correlation is not causation. Depp being "abusive" in the past does not mean he was an abusive husband

Evidence: He claims that Heard’s abuse allegations were “conclusively refuted by two separate responding police officers, a litany of neutral third-party witnesses, and 87 newly obtained surveillance camera videos.”


Grindelwald gross $650m with a $200m budget. Expect FB 3&4.


prometheus1816, why do you think anyone cares about costume fittings or the Australian government not allowing pet dogs to enter the country? Amber's star is rising because of Aquaman, and Johnny is a mess who ruined his own career.

Last August Johnny Depp made ridiculous claims that Amber Heard had purposely shit in their bed. His behavior is not normal. The divorce was over and done, so what was the point? Only an abusive man would make up such a malicious lie to embarrass their ex.

Try to think logically and objectively about this. I know you can't, but try anyway. Amber's past relationships don't matter. Johnny's past relationships don't matter. It doesn't matter what Johnny Depp's friends say, or what Amber's friends say, UNLESS THEY WERE THERE. Do you understand this? None of them know what happened behind closed doors during private moments between Johnny and Amber. Vanessa Paradis and the others weren't there when Johnny Depp threw his phone at Amber, or when he punched out a crew member on the set of City of Lies last year!

Correlation is not causation. Amber being arrested in the past does mean Johnny Depp was not an abusive husband. He's abusing drugs and alcohol so he could be a totally different person than what others know him as in the past. Having lot's of friends doesn't mean Johnny didn't treat his wife like shit.


In any criminal case being decided before a judge or jury past behavior and relationships absolutely are considered and do matter when it establishes a pattern of behavior. It doesn't sound like you have any idea what you're talking about.


So you're admitting that Johnny Depp is guilty of domestic abuse because of prior behavior???? Thank you.

He punched a location manager, broke a mirror with his fist, and trashed hotel rooms, that means he's guilty of smashing his phone into Amber's face and who knows what else.


Nope. Big difference between a man hitting another man and hitting a women. Only Amber is on record as having done the latter.


You're a sad person. 😂 Assault is assault, stop being sexist. It's not excusable to hit anyone. They are both on record of hitting people. But we are talking about their marriage. Stay on topic. Johnny Depp didn't accuse Amber of abuse. It's the other way around. She showed the bruises, a judge granted a restraining order, and you don't want to believe her. Why do you hate women so much?

Johnny Depp is on record of hitting a woman. Amber put him on blast in front of the whole world, in case you didn't realize that. That's why he's (wrongfully) suing her. Society, courts, and police were all against her since day one. People really like Jack Sparrow so they don't want to believe it.

Amber's past troubles are not proof that Johnny Depp didn't hit her. The Stans have trouble grasping that for some reason. Probably because it's a logical, objective fact, and maybe they hate women. Someone taking the time out of their day to stalk Amber Heard's page and call her a "bitch" is sad and misogynistic.

Another example is Asia Argento. Whatever illegal things she did, doesn't mean Harvey Weinstein didn't rape her. They are separate situations worthy of criminal charges. Get it?

Your argument contradicts itself, too. If you say there's a "big difference" with a man hitting a woman, then the implication is that it isn't a fair fight due to the difference in size and strength. That means, by your own "logic", that there's also a "big difference" with a woman hitting another woman since it's a fair fight. And a "big difference" for a woman hitting a man. So, hypothetically, Amber hitting Johnny would be less bad. (I don't agree. But that's your logic, not mine.) You seem to think that domestic violence is more or less immoral based on the victim, but only if it fits your bias against Amber, so it isn't consistent. However, I will accept your opinion that Depp is more terrible because he hit Amber since she is smaller than him. Thank you for defending Amber.👍


If it's been determined that he hit her then I stand corrected but afaict that's yet to be determined and is playing out right now in the public sphere with his 50 million defamation lawsuit. My point is there's a difference between considering past behavior when determing guilt of someone with a history of DV and not. I speak from personal experience as someone involved in my share of physical altercations with other guys when I was younger. That doesn't mean I was more prone to physically abuse my SO when I never have. As far as I know Depp does not have any such history of DV and yet it appears that you've already concluded he is guilty.


It was determined that Johnny Depp hit Amber in the face, since she posted evidence showing bruising and a busted lip. You just don't want to believe it.

He's such a peaceful, calm person who would never harm a fly.

If the judge has any sense this lawsuit will be thrown out, since Amber never mentioned Johnny Depp by name in her essay. She talked about her own experience of reporting domestic abuse and receiving death threats for it. They also once released joint statement saying, "Neither party has made false accusations for financial gains."


"According to Forbes, Depp's wealth is stated at $200m. "

Depp has financial problems. He chose to live way beyond his means. Depp's business manager warned him he would need to earn $40 million each year to support his lifestyle.

"By 2013, Depp’s expenses had ballooned to $2 million a month, TMG claimed—a burn rate disputed by his new attorney. The Mandels’ cross-complaint describes 14 residences, including the château in France and a four-island chain in the Bahamas. There were also a 156-foot cash-guzzling yacht and 12 Los Angeles storage facilities full of memorabilia, including 70 collectible guitars, plus major artwork by Klimt, Modigliani, and Basquiat, among others. Forty full-time employees cost Depp $300,000 a month, they claimed—although Waldman says there are only 15 employees, some of them consultants. Round-the-clock security for himself, his two children, and various family members costs $150,000 a month more. In addition to the $10 million supporting friends and family, he spent $30,000 a month on wine “flown to him around the world,” the lawsuit alleges, and $5 million for a blowout memorial service for the late gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson, including blasting his ashes from a 153-foot custom-built cannon at Thompson’s home in Aspen... Depp’s fiery, 15-month marriage to the actress Amber Heard cost him another $7 million..."

Mandel lawsuit settled:


It's really sad what society has come to. Debating about a battered woman's bruises. You guys should talk to your mommies and daddies and ask them why bruises disappear, where the sun goes at night, why you can't open a window on an airplane, etc. 😂

I've also had bruises come and go, depending on the day. It's pretty amazing. Same thing happens with cuts and scratches! It's called healing. It may be an unknown fact that bruises change shape as they heal. Or is this bruise fake because it "moved"?


I have a link to a completely unrelated incident that has nothing to do with their marriage, too! Johnny Depp was sued because he punched someone on a film set!!!!! He’s clearly violent and erratic, and his behavior in a different time and place absolutely proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that's he's a liar and he abused Amber!!!!!! Right? Right?

I thought all of Johnny's friends said he wasn't an abusive person? D'oh!

Do you see how silly you look yet? Please google the phrase "correlation is not causation".

Amber Heard is one of the most beautiful women in the world. There’s a reason she sent Johnny Depp and Elon Musk packing. 👍


What does being 'one of the most beautiful women in the world' have to do with anything?

You don't think physically beautiful can be jerks?


What does Elon Musk have to do with anything?

You don't think billionaires can be jerks?


Interesting non-sequitor.

Where did I say anything about Elon Musk?

Yes, billionaires can be jerks. In fact, I think it's a prerequisite.


I thought I was responding to prometheus1816. He's the one who mentioned Elon Musk because he has an irrational hatred of Amber Heard and obsesses over everything she does.


And you seem to have an irrational idea that because she is 'one of the most beautiful women in the world' she just must be an angel.


And you seem to have an irrational idea that because you like Johnny Depp's movies then he isn't a jerk who abused his ex-wife when all the evidence indicates that he is.

Amber is beautiful, so I'm not sure why you're confused. A beautiful woman can have any man she wants, that's just a fact of life. She already has a new boyfriend. Nobody is a perfect "angel", and they don't need to be. All I know is that I have never hit anyone in the face with a phone, or punched someone at work because that's psychotic, abusive behavior. Only jerks like JOHNNY DEPP do things like that.👍 Nobody deserves to be hit in the face by their partner, so who are you to even question whether or not she's an "angel"? Meanwhile, Johnny Depp is going around beating people up in a drug-fueled rage????? That is so much worse than not being "perfect".


Obviously, they're both pretty dreadful people! Although if anyone wants to get into a ridiculous pissing contest over which is the worse person, it's pretty simple. Heard is a gold-digger, and IMHO there's nothing wrong with that, as long as the world stays full of people who don't want to contribute anything to a relationship but money. While Depp is the alcoholic druggie mess who hits wives and who sunk his own career by failing to show up for work, and who threw away hundreds of millions of dollars on stupid shit and had the fucking nerve to whine and blame other people for his own stupidity.

I wouldn't care to know either of them, but I hold Depp in much greater contempt.


While Depp is the alcoholic druggie mess who hits wives...
Which wives? You used the plural.

Apart from Heard, who else has accused Depp of being an abusive husband/boyfriend?


Oh, I've got nothing that would satisfy the endless catfight that is this thread, just years of nasty rumors about Depp. Rumors that predate Amber, rumors that predate whatshername the French gal. Unpleasant gossip that's gone on for so many decades that it's got me thinking that maybe Depp isn't a nice man.

But I'm not going to repeat any of them or provide links, because I don't enjoy this sort of endless catfight and I'm not going to get into it.


I met him, albeit briefly, and he came across as nice to me. Much nicer than many other celebs appear. But I guess snobbery and aloofness towards the public isn't seen as a big deal compared to other crimes. How the plebs are treated isn't really a big deal (in fact, the poor masses who pay for tickets are seen by most of the Hollywood elite and CEOs, at places like Disney, as scum).


Meeting Depp must have been fun!

But I wouldn't infer too much about his character from that encounter, both genuinely good people and genuinely horrible people can be nice to strangers for a few minutes.


If anyone in that house shit the bed, it was Depp.

He's the blackout alcoholic.



You win this thread.


Depp is suing the sociopath that lied, with the help of others, and used him to obtain 9 million after 15 months of marriage and advance her career. That is abusive and inhumane to a husband that you claim you love (and I have never watched a Depp film)
