Nikolas stated that Hill “didn’t hand me the cig which I thought was weird and then as we walked back to the door I asked him for it and he said nothing but slammed me to the door and shoved his tongue down my throat. I was so appalled I pushed him off of me and ran inside.”


When a girl spontaneously kisses a boy, she's brave and romantic.
When a boy spontaneously kisses a girl, he's a PREDATOR.

Also love her attempt to completely shove any responsibility for her own actions away earlier:
“Anyways,” Nikolas continued, “#JonahHill came over at some point and we were all pretty wasted because of course the predators were feeding us minors a bunch of alcohol."

Yeah, right girl, they were "feeding you alcohol" that you of course otherwise would have had zero interest in, riiiight? :D
What a good girl!


Sounds like Jonah Hill is a piece of trash. You don't grab someone and forcably kiss them against their will, he sounds like a Jeff Epstein in the making. Or better yet, a James Franco in the making.


You do not know if any force was involved, as in holding her in place, not letting her go etc. and since she said she just left immediately... where is the problem? Like I said, if SHE would have kissed him spontaneously and he would be telling the story today, everybody would laugh at him and call him names. Since you do not bother to read posts you reply to:
When a girl spontaneously kisses a boy, she's brave and romantic.
When a boy spontaneously kisses a girl, he's a PREDATOR.

You weren't there. All you have are the claims of a young woman that has already proven to be not only irresponsible, but to immediately shove any responsibility away and blame others for her problems. Not far away from making shit up to get back at someone.

What she described, could very well be false, just half true, or of course completely true. You don't know. But you immediately assume it is true and that Hill is a "predator", which is a massive accusation when you think about it. If there was any sexual harrassment, that's for them and a court to settle, not for self-righteous wannabe social justice warriors like you who love to burn male celebrities on stakes to feel better about themselves when they do not even know what they're talking about.

As for "you don't just kiss someone", grow the fuck up, it's a kiss, not fingerbanging!
NOTHING makes a woman more dry then ASKING her if you can kiss her.
Women are the first to tell you that, well, the honest ones, free of indoctrination.
I got grabbed by the balls without consent once by a coworker who had a screw loose. According to you I was sexually attacked, am a victim and she is a sex predator. According to myself I laughed, told her she's crossing a line and that I do not appreciate this and the matter was settled.

For fucks sake how WEAK is someone mentally to really make such a big deal out of a fucking KISS.


Her telling of what happened is most certainly suspect in my opinion. I also feel that she is an unreliable narrator.
Before I begin, I am not taking Jonah’s side in this, his behavior is suspect as well and his texts speak for themselves.
To begin, the girl was 16 not 12, or 13 or 14 and she was with friends, of her age. I think it’s safe to assume in this case, that teen girls wanted to party as teen girls want to do, and there’s not a damn thing wrong with that. The problem is that when teen girls put the make up on, and get all dressed up to be as sexy as they know they can be, it can be and often is, impossible to tell whether or not they’re 22 or 16.
Here’s what I believe, these girls wanted to party, they found a party, did not inform Justin or Jonah or anyone there that they were minors, they just showed up and of course were welcomed by the young men throwing the party. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, you go to a party, in a vulnerable position, willingly consume alcohol and or drugs, flirt with the boys, follow a boy out to an isolated area and be surprised when he tries to kiss you.
Was Jonah wrong, probably so, is Jonah a creep, maybe/probably so, did this girl throw signals his way, maybe, should she have been there in the first place, absolutely NOT….
Does this make it okay, I’m not saying that, what I am saying is that personal accountability prevents this sort of thing from happening to begin with and it often times saves lives, especially those of young girls who were raised to be wary of this exact type of scenario.


You left something out of you argument :

The fact that asking for a cigarette is not an open invitation to be mauled.


I agree with you 100% but you missed the point I was attempting to make, I also said that I do not consider her a reliable narrator, which makes her telling of what happened, “the cigarette story,” highly suspect, imo.


Honestly, the cigarette story sounds pretty damn believable. 16 year actress old wants a cig (many actresses smoke to keep their weight down), doesnt have her own, doesn't realize that adult straight men can't even be trusted to get a fucking cigarette out if a car, because she's 16.

Yes, I can believe she passed for older, but I can't believe she did anything to deliberately indicate any interest in that ugly creep Hill. No pretty girl her age would.


I believe she asked Jonah for a cigarette just not in the context that she described. To be fair, I have no idea of what transpired but I do know this, you’re wrong about “No pretty girl her age would,” in fact you could t be further from the truth, if history has shown us anything it is that people flirt for a many number of reasons, it may be sexual interest, it may be to boost their confidence, it may be to combat social awkwardness, or it may be because someone wants to get ahead, do you honestly believe that 100% of the women that kissed or went so far as to have sex with Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby did so by force or coercion. Many/most of them were victims, no argument there, these men are raping scum bags but I use them as examples because there were women who slept with them willingly/wantingly to simply get ahead, and to believe otherwise is just naivety.
Back to the JH, I believe he is a creep, not from the kissing of a 16 girl, because all we have is his word against hers and imo, they are both unreliable narrators and until someone backs either of their stories, I’m not passing judgment. That being said I have read through JH’s texts and how he treated Ms. Brady is disgusting, controlling, manipulative and worse, in that he used therapeutic jargon to negatively influence his partner. As there is ample evidence for this, I will pass judgment on this particular incident. Until Jonah owns his behavior, and apologizes to Sarah, f*** him.


Of course neither of us was there or knows either if these people, all we really know is that Hill's texts show him to be a creep, an asshoe, and a mess.

But I do think that girl was just naive, because if she was trying to "flirt" her way to the top she was doing a crap job of it! I mean a real ho bent on making it by any possible means wouldnt look twice at Hill unless she'd firmly established that there weren't any better prospects at that party, and even then she'd seriously have to debate with herself whether to have a go at an ugly character actor or go home. And if she did decide to go for it, she wouldn't get alone with him until they'd come yo some sort of understanding, and when she was alone with him, she would NOT run away screaming. That would be, you know, unprofessional.

Some straight men like to think that "any woman over 14 knows the score", but that's self-serving idiocy. Most modern mid-teens are idiots - naive, sheltered, unrealistic idiots. They know no scores, outside of social media and peer groups.


I agree with most of what you said, especially about “some straight men like to think…,” although I think it is unfairly put, as gay men, as well trans men can have archaic perceptions of social norms and can also be manipulative, sociopathic as well as dangerous, Kevin Spacey…., but let’s be honest, there are also some, maybe ever more than some, teen girls that know exactly what they are doing, what they are flaunting, and what type of power they may have, even if that power is isolated to sexual desire, and now, more so than ever, as we live in a hyper-sexualized society.
Yes I agree that she was most certainly naive and I do not think that she was trying to “ho” her way to the top, but I do think that signals, details, behavioral characteristics….. were probably shared between the two that she failed to include in her version of what happened and that her version of what transpired is greatly biased to what actually took place.


You seem weirdly determined to hold the girl responsible in this situation, without a shred of supporting evidence. It's possible of course, but I consider it unlikely given that she ran off, and Hill's unattractveness and place on the B-list.

All we know for sure is that she was young enough to genuinely misunderstand a grown man's intentions,and that Hill's doesn't have a clue about appropriate boundaries.


“Weirdly determined….,” not at all, I’m simply looking at the facts presented to us and giving my objective opinion on the matter.
And I could say the same for you now couldn’t I, as it relates to Jonah, and without a shred of evidence as you put and for the record, I acknowledged that Jonah is most certainly a creep and most likely not a good person, past and presently that is, I will allow him room to better himself in the future, as we all deserve that much at the very least.

My intention was merely to convey my doubts as to the context of this woman’s story. Teens as well as children are just as capable of being manipulative as adults and givin’ the facts (his word, her word) of the “party incident,” I am simply not ready to pick up a torch and join the mob in doling out emotionally driven, compulsive judgment on this particular incident, just yet. That may change if more information comes out.
In the mean time, I’m not taking the word of a woman who as a 16 year old teen went to a party, looking to party as a young adult and after being kissed and allowing many years to pass, is playing a “babe in the woods act.”
Is her story true, it’s possible, maybe even probable, but don’t try to manipulate the public by acting like you were a helpless child when this took place.
And that is the point I’m trying to make here Otter, we need to empower our young girls, our children and teen girls, to learn self defense, to learn how to say NO, to learn how to be situationally aware of creeps, dangerous scenarios, parties with older guys, that drinking alcohol can be the equivalent of taking a roofy in certain situations, and to not feel like they are walking through this life as perpetual victims and at the whim of any man who wants to take from them, whatever that may be.
I believe you have the best interest of this young woman in mind and I can tell you that although I am skeptical of her story, I do as well.


You ARE being weird, you are absolutely determined to bash someone for something that happened when they were 16, and the ONLY piece of evidence you have that the girl did something wrong was... that she went to a party when she was 16.

You don't even have Hill's side of the story to support, because he hasn't given his side of the story, and how can he? It lasted a few minutes, it was like 8 years ago, and I'm sure there have been plenty of other girls who ran away screaming when he tried to kiss them before then and after then, how could he possibly remember this one.

And yet, here you are, determined to slut-shame someone because she went to a party at 16, even though you admit that she ran into an utter creep and horrible human being at that party. But the fact is, not all interpersonal-conflict situations are the fault of both parties, sometimes when people come into conflict only one person is at fault, because some people are assholes who just like to push around anyone they think is vulnerable, or they want to take something that isn't theirs to take - like someone else's vagina. And yes, sexual harrassment happens to "good girls", too.

So fuck off, you're contributing nothing to this discussion except baseless slut-shaming, and I'm tired of your shit. I'm out.


Seriously now, haven't most straight men done something similar?

Hopefully not to someone underage, of course.
