MovieChat Forums > Barack Obama Discussion > His first term was great

His first term was great

As a Republican, I have to admit it.


Then you’re a stupid Republican


We finally found and killed Osama Bin Laden.

We helped the Libyan rebels overthrow Qadaffi.

The economy improved.

What more did you want from his first term?


He never would have found Bin Ladden had it not been for the harsh interrogation tactics that the Bush Administration supported and Obama demonized. Bush deserves credit for that as well.

And then it fell to the Muslim Brotherhood, not an improvement

The economy had nowhere to go but up, the DemoKKKrats tanked the economy. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd were responsible for forcing banks to make risky loans. The recovery would have been far better had it not been for Obama’s failed policies, it was the slowest recovery we could have ended up with.


During Obama's 2nd term the CLEO signature requirement for the transfer of NFA firearms (machine guns, silencers, etc) was finally eliminated. Requiring the local sheriff to sign off on a tax stamp application was a de facto ban on the possession of NFA firearms in some areas in the USA. Now all we have to do is send the local sheriff a copy of the application.

The down side is that corps and trusts have to now include finger prints and photos of all of the trustees and corp employees.


Interesting take.


Only because he didn't have time to truly wreck America yet. Plans for fucking up America take time. Just ask Bill Clinton.


It's been a while. I can't remember if it was during his first term or second term that he totally and permanently fucked up my health insurance coverage.


Anything would have been better than what Bush did to the country, on the path Bill Clinton set us on.
