MovieChat Forums > Barack Obama Discussion > Obama: more war than peace

and deported more immigrants and killed more people with drone strikes, yet he is praised by the left for being nice and caring, bleh


He never "deported immigrants"! Is it the left or right who don't know the meaning of immigrant?


It'll be even worse under king biden, but the left will love him for prolonging a depression, causing more wars, destroying the middle class, causing even more civil unrest, pushing all the races further apart, and taking as many of our rights, freedoms and money away from us as he and his handelers possibly can. And be sure that no matter how awful it gets the left will praise him.


Look, the democrats know how to do business. They've cultivated a "We Care About You" image that all the stacked dead bodies in the middle east can't tarnish. They're neo-cons and they have their followers believing they're socialists. Houdini couldn't execute an illusion like that if he tried!
