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Tucker Carlson's response to the Buffalo mass shooting was "utterly depraved"

Two weeks before an 18-year-old mass shooter carried out a racist attack at a Buffalo supermarket that killed 10 people after posting a manifesto promoting the "great replacement theory," The New York Times published an investigation into how the Fox News host has made the same theory a "central theme" of his primetime show. "No public figure has promoted replacement theory more loudly or relentlessly than the Fox host Tucker Carlson, who has made elite-led demographic change a central theme of his show since joining Fox’s prime-time lineup in 2016," The Times said in wake of Saturday's tragedy. Yet, as Lorraine Ali says, "during a broadcast of his show Tucker Carlson Tonight on Monday, the Fox News host blamed Saturday’s mass shooting of 13 people in a predominantly Black neighborhood of Buffalo, N.Y. by a radicalized white gunman on the policies of President Joe Biden, the Democratic party and pretty much anyone who‘s called for a stop to the hate speech and racist ideology espoused by the suspect — and Carlson himself. Outcry that Carlson address his part in spreading a xenophobic philosophy known as 'great replacement theory' — a paranoid notion that white, Christian people are being intentionally replaced by people of color, Jews, Muslims and immigrants — was met during Monday’s telecast with no acknowledgement whatsoever of the role Carlson himself has played in energizing white nationalists, but plenty of moaning about who the real victims are in this tragedy: those in the right-wing media and Republican party who were swiftly connected with the horrid ideas in the shooter’s apparent manifesto." Ali adds: "Then, as if uncovering a nefarious plot, he danced around the subject of why the killings in Buffalo received the most attention. Using pretzel logic, he blamed the liberal media for targeting the right with woke politics, thereby inspiring the rise of 'white identity politics.' He didn’t mention gun control, of course, or present any new details about the victims of the Buffalo shooting he criticized the press for ignoring: The only person Carlson went on to name, and talk about at length, was the gunman. Under the circumstances, with the nation reeling from both the general regularity of mass shootings and its plague of racially motivated ones, Carlson’s display may have constituted his lowest point yet — at least in terms of humanity (never to be confused with ratings)."


I watched it and thought it was a well done piece. It not only mentioned the Buffalo shooting but the many other murders that happened last weekend. Biden's so called speech today sounds evil and horrific.


Wouldn't you rather have criminals like the shooter be held accountable, rather than crackpot theories being made up by media celebrities to try and diminish their responsibility for the deaths of those innocent people?


For criminals to be held responsible they have to fit the medias narrative.


What Tucker said wasn't a crackpot theory and the politicians pushing racial division need to be held accountable as it's only getting worse.


It is a theory. The same one put forward by the lowlifes who murdered black children because their previously segregated schools were made to admit them. So I'll just take it that you don't care about law and order then.


Well for one thing when the assholes in charge seek to destroy our borders to eliminate the American population that’s where The Great Replacement theory comes from. It’s evil and being done by the Democrats on purpose to gain unending power in the United States. Retard Joe is going to give a speech today and call the GOP an enemy to the survival of Democracy. Let that sink in. A president is going to call half the population an enemy to the country.


Hahahaha! If all the republican votes in the last election were counted twice it still wouldn't be half the population. You absolute cretin.


Hey you absolute moron white people now make up less than half the population of London. What is that but white replacement ?


That's white people deliberately moving some place else.


Oh I see. So all these white people have simply gone "somewhere else" which means that the non-whites just look like they are increasing in number. Is that seriously your line ? It's got nothing to do with huge levels of immigration of non-whites then according to you ?

And that's not saying anything about the low fertility rate of white people which is below replacement level.


Yeah they move away because they don't like living next to non white people, or poor people in general. Capisce?

Why should I give a fuck about how many functioning white dicks there are in London. Is it a contest?


"Let that sink in. A president is going to call half the population an enemy to the country."

He wouldn't be the first...

"President Trump Calls Democrats and the Media His 'Enemies' in New Campaign Ad"


Tucker and Fox News (the prime klan anyway) are ALWAYS blaming the media. This make's them righteous and pure to their viewers...sticking up for the little guy.

Shift/Blame/Deflect...repeat. And it's worked out very well for them.


The lady who wrote this piece is a television/music critic so she should stick to entertainment. Carlson's coverage was highly partisan but it was logical. There were other shootings in the US and the death toll at the Chinese church might have been higher if one brave HERO hadn't sacrificed himself to subdue the shooter. Carlson did argue in favor of colorblind meritocracy instead of racial quotas. * Tucker Carlson Buffalo segment *

Carlson also brought up the mental health of the Buffalo shooter. The Buffalo shooter spent over a day in a mental health facility after threatening to shoot his classmates. The big question I have is how a young man who was detained over a mass shooting threat was able to get a gun and body armor less than a year later. * Mental health shooter *


It's his right.
