MovieChat Forums > George Floyd Discussion > George Floyd was not a criminal.

George Floyd was not a criminal.

Brother Teresa was a good man. I saw him with my own eyes, build churches for poor children of all religions. I saw him with my own eyes, start a food drive to help starving people in California. I saw him save a drowning mother. I saw him open a homeless shelter. I saw him tackle a possible mass shooter.

Well, I gotta go. I have an appointment with the eye doctor now and he thinks I might need glasses.


I'm going to guess that posters don't appreciate your twisted humor?? People need to lighten up


I found it to be so hilarious, I can't breath!


People need to learn how to laugh again


*Leftists* need to learn how to laugh again


It was fentanyl!


Not sure about all that, but Floyd was certainly "turning his life around". This is evident from his use of counterfeit money while chomping down gear and accidentally killing himself.


Yep. Only the good guys like to use counterfeit bills.


Yeah, you do need glasses.
Because you did not see that he cured cancer as I did.


He told me he didn't want to get credit for that.


Floyd wasn't a criminal... He's just a real life version of Dough Boy from Boyz In The Hood, had he gotten a few decades older


Whatta guy!
No wonder why so many were protesting for what a saint he was!

And that wasn't a gun he pointed at a pregnant woman.
It was a birth defect detector.


He had the safety on with the gun.


So it was a real gun?
Guess I'm the guy that needs the glasses.

In any case, he was offering her a free abortion.
Again, what a great guy!
