MovieChat Forums > Derek Chauvin Discussion > Give the guy a break

Give the guy a break

Yeah, Chauvin was unprofessional in his handling of George Floyd. Let's not pretend that he didn't also stop a thug from lengthening his already lengthy rap sheet even further


We don't have the death penalty for thuggery in this country. In addition, courts determine the punishment for thugs, not rogue cops.


Are there any blacks on this forum ? Preferably gay or trans blacks. I would love their inout.


Yes I identify as a black trans pan poly non binary demi fem boy retard, how can I help?


Great, thanks
Did you find Derek Chauvin to be unprofessional and racist towards negros ?
I suspect George Floyd was murdered cuz he was gay.


All white people are rabid white supremacists trying to hold back the black race in every aspect of their existence. George Floyd was a future high achiever in the negro community, a potential astronaut or scientist. That's why he was openly murdered as white people watched and clapped, then celebrated globally on the streets with mostly peaceful gatherings. True story.


You are right! If I look inwards, on myself, I have stepped on negros numerous times in regards to social mobility.
Im ashamed, I'm sorry. True story.


President DeSantis will pardon him in about 5 years from now.Which is good as it will give him time to cool off and he will be to old to turn into a drunk when he gets out.


So him killing a man over a fake bill is okay? That's the break we should give him? That makes it okay?


It should be just man slaughter because really the guy had one foot in the grave and any kind of exertion from him would have killed him.
