MovieChat Forums > Ava DuVernay Discussion > What is so special about her?

What is so special about her?

There has been so much talk and push for her to get her into anything. Marvel, Star Wars. And now she has been confirmed to direct a DC movie. But A Wrinkle in Time was horrible and she showed she failed. Why do people keep pushing her? What are her qualities?


She's a Black female director... Of course she's going tonstand out and get attention, especially in this identity politics moment...

Also, the studios have tended to hire small, relatively inexperienced directors for their big comicbook and franchise movies... Usually someone who has done one or two indie movies and such... They don't tend to seek out big directors who will do their own thing like Ridley Scott, Michael Bay or James Cameron...

So she fits the bill as a notable small time director...


I can understand that. But the thing here is, she failed. She failed A Wrinkle in Time. So how the f is she getting rewarded?


Wasn't that only just released?

She hasn't been signed to direct anything big since so I don't see how you think she is being rewarded for that failure...


She just got hired to direct New Gods for DC. A big superhero movie for a big studio? that sounds like a reward.


i didn't know about that movie


Diversity hire


Besides being a black woman, she has Oprah pushing her. And Oprah's Will moves mountains. The timing of social politics has simply aligned. We'll be seeing a lot more of this. I don't think half the men making these blockbusters are qualified either. So whatever.

New Gods is a very bizarre property to attach Ava too. The stories and characters are incredibly masculine fantasies.


You are right about alot of male directors making dogshit blockbusters. But like I said, they shouldn't be rewarded either (and most of them aren't)


Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that she's black and has a pussy in 2010, she probably wouldn't have made it far. She's an average, middle-of-the-road director with nothing to express in her films beyond "Look at how oppressed my people are!"


Nothing about her is special at all. Her films are like writing an essay in school about your grandparents dying. There is misery in it, that the teacher gives you an "A" even though it wasn't that good.

Every interview I see with her, she brings up race. She's obsessed. She made one decent movie (Selma) and people think she's an up-and-comer as if they pretend A Wrinkle in Time doesn't exist.


/Every interview I see with her, she brings up race. She's obsessed./

This. She's like a female version of Spike Lee.

Selma was good, Wrinkle in Time was atrocious. I just hope she doesn't ruin DC's New Gods because that could be a great movie with with such a good comic book series as a source.


When you look at her filmography:

Selma: Black lead
A Wrinkle in Time: Black leads
Middle of Nowhere: Black leads
When They See Us: Black leads
I Will Follow: Entirely Black cast
Queen Sugar: Entirely Black cast
Openly gay actors in major roles: 0
Transgender actors in major roles: 0
Disabled actors in major roles: 0

Then she'll go on and on about how Hollywood needs to be more diverse. She's a hypocrite.
