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Biden mocks idea he's 'pulling the strings' in Trump prosecution: 'I didn't know I was that powerful'

President Biden mocked the notion that he was the one "pulling the strings" in prosecuting former President Trump to help himself politically.

Fox News' Peter Doocy asked Biden outside the White House whether he thought the conviction would help Trump in the presidential election, to which the president responded, "I have no idea."

"Are you worried this could happen to you someday?" Doocy then asked. "Somebody comes up with some charges and tries to bring you into court after your term?"

"Not at all," Biden responded. "I didn't do anything wrong. The system still works."

Doocy went on to ask the president about Trump's assertions that Biden is trying to hurt him politically.

"He thinks you're pulling the strings behind the scenes doing all of this to help yourself," Doocy said.

"I didn't know I was that powerful," Biden joked.

Earlier in the day, Biden had a silent reaction to a similar question that some thought spoke volumes.

As Biden was walking away after commenting on Trump's conviction, a reporter shouted out, "Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. What's your response to that, sir?"

The president paused at the question, turned back to the reporters and slowly flashed what some called a "disturbing" smile for almost 10 seconds before continuing to walk away."

I think that pretty much says it all right there at the end with his "Disturbing" smile because you'd have to be naive to not think this man had anything to fucking do with this, that this Administration wasn't working with Alvin Braggs on this, not to mention, Biden sending an old bitter geezer like Deniro to stand outside the Court while ranting incoherently..

TRUMP 2024


Biden is notorious for ending a press conference where he did well then taking 1 last question and sinking the entire thing. That shows he's capable of learning to me which is a good trait for anyone.




If Biden is that powerful, I'm gonna vote for him.


Then you're not the solution, you're the problem


Why even bother voting? Wouldn't Biden be in power regardless?


He's so full of shit when he says that the system still works well. Our system has been quite broken for a bit of a long time. Does he not see all the back and forth in front of him?


If Biden wanted to be involved, why did the DOJ drop this investigation.

And since when do we question the bringing of charges when synergistic committed felony offense and had been convicted in a fair trial?


He’s not. Obama and the Democrat party are. Not like we could expect their media rectum to point out the obvious.

They’ll just scream “reeeeeee ourdemocracy” when the first legitimate court laughs the so-called 34 felonies case out of existence.
