MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Do you think Donald cares about the peop...

Do you think Donald cares about the people?

In this video, a woman at Trump’s rally in the Bronx passed out and is getting medical attention.

Someone is asking for water for the woman. Trump said, "Water?"

He got a bottle of water from under the podium and drank it himself. LOL!

What a son of a bitch, but he is funny, and he really appeals to people with angry grudge that just want to see others get screwed. His basic nature is to just rub his privilege in other peoples' faces. I mean really, what kind of person does he appeal to anyway?

Donald heard the crowd talking about water for a passed out woman, and immediately his reptillian brain had to make sure he had enough water and could make the point to everyone else there.

Does anything think he would do anything different if it was the American people and not just one woman suffering from dehydration?


He only cares about himself


didnt you already post this?


No, I don't think he cares about people.


What about that other guy?


What other guy?


No, Trump cares about Trump. He's a bad actor and that's on full display for anyone to see.

That being said, I'd take Trump over the current corpse in the white house all day long.


Biden is hardly a corpse, and you'd know that if you did not have your head ... Trump's ***


You're not the real Trentin Quarantino


Correct roger.

He would know that if he did not have his head ... Tarantino's ***
