MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Question for MAGA: if tRump is convicted...

Question for MAGA: if tRump is convicted and replaced on the ballot...

...what will you do on election day?


Move to China or Vietnam.


Why not Russia?


To cold.


I can respect that!


This is a flop, budget 335 million , profit 50 million, Trump flopped, no coming back, you flopped and i just pooed my pants , 20 doller budget , 120 doller profit , i win


I agree with this statement.


You should go to Russia


Why? lol, they currently have a fake democracy like what the dems are constantly pushing for.


But you claim to have evidence that the 2020 election was rigged. Release your proof and maybe you and you alone will keep Trump from prison.


You need to help Trump, reveal your evidence and send him money now!


He's currently not on the ballot and the Republican Party is doing their best effort to make sure he isn't.


As they should !
He’s an unhinged criminal!


What will I do on Election Day?? Vote for the individual who replaced him because no matter what?? Biden is gone in 2024, PERIOD!! Trump not being on the ballot is not deal breaker for me, but should he be the Nominee?? He gets my vote.. No 2 ways about it


I have the feeling that Soros and his progressive liberal KKKlan will come up with another pandemic “emergency “ so that massive cheating can occur again regardless if Trump is on the ballot or not
But I can also see them just assassinating Trump before he picks a VP if they can’t get him in a jail cell


If they attempted to assassinate him and he somehow lived?? Shit would hit the fan HARD after something like that


I think the assassination would be like Judge Scalia: just goes to sleep and dies of a “heart attack” … it would still be massively sus but the media probably has cover stories ready for that
