MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > "Trumpery" defined by Merriam-Webster

"Trumpery" defined by Merriam-Webster

trumpery (noun)
a: worthless nonsense
b: trivial or useless articles : JUNK
a wagon loaded with household trumpery—Washington Irving
archaic : tawdry finery
trumpery adjective

Trumpery derives from the Middle English trompery and ultimately from the Middle French tromper, meaning "to deceive." (You can see the meaning of this root reflected in the French phrase trompe-l'oeil-literally, "deceives the eye"-which in English refers to a style of painting with photographically realistic detail.) Trumpery first appeared in English in the mid-15th century with the meanings "deceit or fraud" (a sense that is now obsolete) and "worthless nonsense." Less than 100 years later, it was being applied to material objects of little or no value. The verb phrase trump up means "to concoct with the intent to deceive," but there is most likely no etymological connection between this phrase and trumpery.,painting%20with%20photographically%20realistic%20detail


what about chicanery?



The use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose.
"An underhanded person(s) who schemes corruption and political chicanery behind closed doors."

What is an example of chicanery?

The rigging and stealing of the 2020 Election.


I bet your mother/sister is embarrassed of you because you believe that thousands if not millions of people somehow got organized, worked together without any problems across state lines and then rigged the 2020 election without being caught. Are you really this stupid? It's been 3 years. Where's the proof?

I'll make you a deal. If you show valid proof that the 2020 election was stolen I'll change my registration from Independent to Republican and I'll vote red and I will vote for Trump in 2024.


Trump and the GOP tried to rig it, then tried to steal it when the rigging failed. The people that tried to do this suck. That is why they are part of the swamp that is being drained now.


Gore and the DNC tried to rig it, Obama and the DS rigged it twice, Hillary/DS/DNC try to rig it and failed so they fabricated the fake dossier, Biden/DS/DNC rigged it and now the country is suffering the consequences of a rigged and stolen election.


You're so stupid that you don't know how stupid you are. Many users here have asked you numerous times to provide evidence of your claims yet you have nothing. You know damn well if you had even a tiny bit of proof of your insipid claims you would be posting it to prove that everyone except for you and Trump are liars.

I bet your mother/sister is embarrassed of you because you believe that thousands if not millions of people somehow got organized, worked together without any problems across state lines and then rigged the 2020 election without being caught. Are you really this stupid? It's been 3 years. Where's the proof?

I'll make you a deal. If you show valid proof that the 2020 election was stolen I'll change my registration from Independent to Republican and I'll vote red and I will vote for Trump in 2024.


At least we dont believe that Russia hijacked the 2016 election.


In general, the GOP does not agree with you. The RINOS's and other extremists are the ones making noise. Did you send your evidence of rigging and other illegal acts to the GOP who were investigating and concluded there was no widespread fraud? Or are you just whining on MoveiChat?


Why would I expect the uniparty establishment and swamp to agree with me, lol?

It is not necessary to send them anything, they already have the receipts.


So you're just whining on this forum because you know there is no evidence of election rigging?


And I see that you are still clowning🤡 as usual.


So you believe that thousands if not millions of people somehow got organized, worked together without any problems across state lines and then rigged the 2020 election without being caught? Are you really this stupid? It's been 3 years. Where's the proof?


Millions also thought that Putin hijacked the 2016 election by hacking the voting machines.


Well, sometimes I feel kind of foolish asking you to support your stupid claims with some evidence. So yeah, I am clowning a bit when I do that.


Gee?? Does Merriam-Webster have the definition of TDS while were at it??


TDS = Trump's Delusional Supporters.
