MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Besides Donald Trump, who would you rath...

Besides Donald Trump, who would you rather see as President?

There are so many more candidates that could run for President. If you had a choice to vote for someone besides Donald Trump to be President, who would it be?


You could always take Boris off us.


I’d vote for a turd over Trump. In all sincerity, I’d vote for any Democratic opposition, and I leaned Republican for the longest.

IMO, Trump isn’t really Republican. He’s something else, so it bothers me that he calls Republicans with integrity RHINOS. GTFOH! He never earned it.


"I’d vote for a turd over Trump."

And you did.


Which says a lot about how little I think of Trump. I wasn’t big on Biden either, but Trump was a massive, self-serving, unintelligent embarrassment (that was twice impeached, and could very well end up in jail).

I’d sooner take my chances with a complete stranger over a lifetime swindler like Trump. He was so efficient in burying the Republican Party that it almost felt like a shamelessly deployed inside job.


you took a chance on nuclear war and WWIII? that was great decision, not...


Hehe…what’s your genius “theory” that makes you believe that an idiot like Trump would have kept Putin at bay? Putin controlled Trump like an obvious puppet. Hell, Putin practically groomed him for the roll.

Trump is “Monday QBing” on how he “would have played it better”. And even then, he’s still kissing Putin’s ass. It’s honestly personally insulting as an American, and it’s honestly mystifying how any American can try to justify it (no matter the political affiliation).

Trump is like the guy that punched you in the face, took your girl, and then cynically tried to explain that he did it for your own good - He saved you from yourself…while he’s fucking your girl (and then quickly tossing her aside for another meaningless score). He’s “rich”, and he “talks hard”…and you’re strangely feeling lucky that he fucked your girl.

Trump is the annoying loud guy at the bar that assumes that being louder makes his words more meaningful. Unfortunately, there’s always people that give into it so easily.


Vince Kennedy McMahon




Ron DeSantis. Unfortunately, the leftist lunatics hate him so much that their derangement would only result in continuous harassment by the mainstream media, academia, celebrities, and democrats in Congress, just like they harassed Trump for four years. Then they'd rig an election to get rid of him. They're experts at that.


As a non American having seen a couple of interviews with Mike Pompeo on 'Sky News Australia After Dark', he seems like he would make an excellent President if Trump does not run again.
