MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Seemed more normal in the 2000s

Seemed more normal in the 2000s

From what I remember


Trump hasn't changed. The media's bias and reporting has.


Exactly. After enabling Bush to cause the great recession they are getting a little more accurate. But the media still reported on his bouncing his daughter on his knee and saying he'd date her. The guy was always a sleaze bag. You just either weren't born yet or weren't paying attention.


He seems pretty normal to me.


You probably seem normal to you, too. News flash: nope.


Everything was more normal in the early 2000s.


He didn't find his cult leader status until 2011 when he went after Obama's birth certificate.

Before then he was begging Pelosi to charge the Bush/Cheney admin for war crimes.


Hillary invented the birth certificate issue. Obama did his best to keep it alive. It made him seem more sympathetic. Trump carried it on, of course, and I am split on it. Obama is such a liar about everything, I can see him making that up, too.
It is odd how long it took Obama to produce a document the rest of us could produce in a few days at most. And it is odd how in his first book it said he was born in Kenya.
Everything with Obama was smoke and mirrors. Words had no real meaning, they were constantly redefined to fit whatever narrative made Obama look good.


"Hillary invented the birth certificate issue."

A lie spoken by Trump. You believe it because he said it. Hillary asked Obama for his birth certificate (and McCain's) in 2008. He provided it, she accepted it, and so did McCain.

"It is odd how long it took Obama to produce a document the rest of us could produce in a few days at most."

Another lie. You believe Obama provided no document in 2008. The cause of the birther movement was their belief that his 2008 document was fake. Hillary didn't believe it, McCain didn't, Fox News didn't. They all knew it was valid to every city and state government in the US. To get what the birthers wanted, he had to go down to the Hawaii offices in person. Trump held a couple rallies so he went and got it, making Trump look like the retard he is for falling for bullshit.

"And it is odd how in his first book it said he was born in Kenya."

It was a pamphlet. There was an ad in the 1961 newspaper with his birth in it. Trump had that information, but still went full retard. Lmao. What a loser.


LOL You buy and sell any lie they tell you to, even when you know it's not the truth. That's why the Dems have become so utterly corrupt.


You are an utterly sheeplike cult zombie who doesn't rate being taken seriously. Put a sock in it, shill. You have nothing of value to add.


keyword "become". The Republicans were ALWAYS corrupt. Everyone just knows it now. Can you point out anything corrupt about the "dems"?


I used to be against the GOP. Now I am all for them. I cannot believe how bad the Dems have become. I honestly don't recognize them any more. You can support them and their horrid ideas. I can't. I care way too much for this country.
The LIES the Dems have told? Are you joking? Let's start with my healthcare! I knew there was no way Obamacare could work and it didn't. Because it forced people off their plans and made most of the plans available to us impossible to get.
Let's go to Russian collusion based on a fake dossier purchased by the Dems and then used to spy on the Trump campaign! LOL I mean the Russians surely did work with one political party in 2016. The DEMS. And the Dems ate it up, knowing full well that dossier was pure crap.
Let's go to the impeachment based on a phone call. A phone call! Where Trump is accused, without any evidence, of doing something Biden admits to doing on video with a smile!
Let's to go impeachment #2! Trump calls for 'peaceful' protests and that is somehow interpreted as a call for violence! Unbelievable.
Let's go to the riots and looting liberals started in Ferguson and carried that grand tradition til this current day. Antifa and BLM were BOTH in Washington recently and stirring up the riots. Who called that before we knew? I did! Because it's right out of the modern liberal playbook.
Let's go to BLM and Antifa burning down buildings and attacking people and forcing people to raise a first in support. How many cops have they murdered? Run over? Hundreds of cops have had to get medical care. At least Secret Service were injured attacking the White House.
Let's go to open borders and allowing in millions and millions of illegal aliens, resulting in suppressed wages and higher unemployment, which MOST affects minority communities. Who reversed that? Trump! What happened? Wages went up and unemployment in minority communities went to a record low. Anyone who took basic economics would have know that would happen.


We have an acute case of right wing talking point psychosis, doctor.

Sedate the patient quickly then! Before he hurts himself! 😎


The media wasn't raping and hanging him 500 times a day in the 2000s.


They didn't need to. He was doing that to 14 year old girls in the 80s and 90s. Maybe you're not old enough to remember, but the Media thought he was just a rich NY sleaze ball and never thought he'd require any further notice.


Trump has always been this way. I'm from New York, we know him better than most of the country whose main exposure was through The Apprentice. This is the thing, when people talk about him possibly having early dementia. It would have to progress to a more advanced stage, if he has it, in order to be sure - because he's always been incredibly erratic and emotionally unbalanced. His greater ability to manage the optics before running for public office is the reason many people didn't realize that.


I don't think you have to be from New York to know this. Maybe you have to be over 30 and have a minimal amount of education. I don't know. But the guy was always a sleaze ball. I mean come on they put him on that reality tv show because he represented what would be the most horrible "boss" anyone could possibly have. I'm not sure how that escaped so many people.


He came across as an arrogant prick on The Apprentice - but competent. That last part was the result of heavy editing. Large amounts of footage in which he engaged in the kind of unhinged rants we're all too familiar with ended up on the proverbial cutting room floor. Apparently he also made racist comments, like saying he couldn't have a nigger be the first season's winner. NBC has a lot to answer for. Had they not sanitized this vile man I don't think there ever would've been a President Trump (or a second season of The Apprentice).

What I meant about being from New York is, he's been on the local news since the 80's. Many stories that simply didn't rate national airtime we got to see here. He's been a social media attention whore since long before social media existed. He's been a troll since that word meant only hideous creatures from myth.

The biggest asshole bully I knew in high school, I saw again at our 20 year reunion and he was a totally different person. Nice guy. Someone who didn't know him at 16 would never guess what a dick he was back then - something he readily admits. You expect things like this. People grow up, they mature and change, learn from their mistakes, try to do better. Not so with Donald Trump. I have never seen a grown man who's done so little ... growing. He seemed to stagnate in pre-adolescence and has never shown an inkling of becoming anything more, or bettering himself in any way.


That must have been the time you were watching "Breaking Bad". He didn't seem normal ever. I mean for chrissakes he used bounce his daughter on his knee and say he'd date her. He used to rape 14 year old girls when he was in his 40s and tell them if they told anyone he wouldn't let them be models.
