MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > In new poll, Biden is way ahead of T-rum...

In new poll, Biden is way ahead of T-rump in a hypothetical match-up

In a new poll taken by Morning Consult/Politico of nearly 2,000 registered voters from April 19 - 21, former VP Joe Biden is way ahead of T-rump in a 'hypothetical match-up'. The poll was taken days before Biden announced his run for the Presidency this morning.

In the poll (with a +/- 2%), Biden leads T-rump 42 percent to 34 percent. Biden comes out way ahead over T-rump among the key demographics of voters: 17% ahead with women, 22% ahead with millennials, and 10% ahead with Independents. Among male voters, Biden tracks T-rump by only 3%.

T-rump is getting about one-third of the vote at this point, more than 2 years into his first term. In comparison, President Obama was way ahead of Republican front-runner Mitt Romney at the same time in 2010, with the 2012 election within reach. Obama was in the mid-high 40s range.



Yes, his records will be looked at carefully before he becomes a candidate. He has made come pretty questionable gaffes. I wouldn't vote for him.


Wow! AceRimmer lasted two posts! Great sock account - not.



I have yet to get polled and countless others I’ve talked to said the same thing. Never trust the media when it comes to polls and John Groper Biden’s mysterious 8 point lead.


Looks like we have a new sock account added to our forum - welcome aboard, and be careful out of your sock drawer!

First question - who's John Groper Biden? Is he related to Donald 'Pussy Grabbin' T-rump?


Corporate libs are just trying to steal it from Bernie Sanders again.


Now there’s an oxymoron: corporate libs. But I agree they’re trying to pretend Bernie doesn’t count and creepy Joe is the best they can come up with apparently.


I think Sanders buried himself with his opinion about all convicts voting from jail. Many voters disagree with him on this - especially 'all'.


Why do they mostly disagree?


By using the word 'all' and standing by that (when questioned). There are many voters who believe some of the incarcerated should be allowed to vote, but not all. For example, someone who is serving a life sentence for murder - should they have their voting rights in prison ?


I don’t know. I’d need to see some well researched pros and cons before I could answer that question.


Doggiedaddy is lying to you.

First of all this poll was taken before Bernie ever said anything about that, so it's not relevant. Second, Doggiedaddy isn't personally against felons voting or he would have told you directly, rather than pretending he's just analyzing what other people think. Who cares anyway when Joe Biden is a gaffe machine. Bernie didn't "bury himself". That's just more of the same wishful thinking expressed in his OP, using any excuse available.

What I think is going on is Doggiedaddy was the loudest voice crying when McCain died and when Trump threatened to pull out of Syria. He won't tell you the real reason he likes Joe Biden is because Joe Biden will keep the wars going. Bernie Sanders he's not so sure about.


Liberal political views are so corporate they could be pulled directly from a Human Resources manual at Amazon. Your views are echoed everywhere you look in society from all media. You can get fired for being conservative. Liberalism is about political correctness, open borders, more government funding for everything. They all donated exclusively to Hillary Clinton, officially the most corporate candidate of all time.

Now they're trying to force all these candidates on you again, Kamala, Beto, Buttplug, Biden. It's never going to stop until more people on your side stand up and refuse to settle. That's how Trump knocked out the Bush dynasty. You've got to give him that.



I'll take just about anyone over Donald at this point.

ANYONE is better than an unstable madman with dementia and authoritarian fantasies.

We'll work toward ousting all the career politicians. For now, it's DIRE we replace Donald with an actual adult. We can't go another 6 years under that psycho.


Why? You afraid the county will do too well?


Spot on dteam6.

Like Biden said "We are in the battle for the soul of this nation. If we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation."

If Biden is the best shot at preventing this, he has my figurative vote (I'm not a US citizen). I don't care if he's not as progressive/left-wing as I'd ideally like. All I care is CAN HE BEAT TRUMP.

We have to throw everything we can to stop Trump irrevocably destroying the US, and indeed even the world.


There could be much much worse. Imagine a psycho not only without dementia but actual intelligence.

Now imagine a BRILLIANT psycho. At least he’s too stupid to get much done.


Lot of undecideds out there.

Remember, overconfidence helped undo Hillary.


No, Russian interference helped undo Hillary.
