MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Hey TDS Snowflakes

Hey TDS Snowflakes

Watch this:

Trump isn't going anywhere, and his SCOTUS candidate will be confirmed.



This is a link to a Sean Hannity clip. I do not watch Fox News except for sometimes local affiliates. So Dr No to that.


Sean Hannity... *snicker*


Mark Levine is the guest, and he nails it.

If your beloved fake news channels (CNN, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, et al) had the guts to bring him on, he'd educated them as well....but they don't want the TRUTH, they want to keep spewing leftist, anti-Trump propaganda for all you snowflakes.


Yeah, Cohen plead guilty to a crime that wasn't a crime. Sure.


That’s because truth isn’t always the truth and T-rump deals with alternate facts.


The judge and Cohen's lawyer seemed to think it was an actual crime so clearly there are people who know the law who disagree with Levin and Hannity.


No crime was committed...unless they can prove campaign funds were used.

They were not.

Keep crying and ranting snowflakes...Trump isn't going anywhere...THANK GOD!


If you think GOD is behind Trump's ascendance ...
the devil does arrive in disguise, and you have fallen for it.
How the rest of us must pay for the satisfaction of so few.


No crime was committed?

So indictment, guilty verdicts and guilty pleas mean nothing?

The immunity granted to the Trump CFO and the owner of the ?National Enquirer mean nothing?

My God, do you hear how you sound?


Sean Hannity is a giant conspiratorial loon.

Mark Levine is too much of a nobody for any real news channel to have him on as a guest. You've been had.


LOL, that's all you on the left do, sling mud and name's what you do when you don't have a legit counter-argument.

Levine is a constitutional lawyer, he knows what he's talking about...just like Alan Dershowitz, who also said that based on what has come to light so far, Trump didn't break any laws.

Just keep believing the biased talking-heads on MSNBC and CNN, live in your far left cocoon.

The silent majority will keep exposing the lefstream fascists as the true danger to our nation.


Nope. Sean Hannity is a bonafide conspiratorial loon. This is a fact based on Hannity's infamous episode a few months back devoted to painting Mueller as part of a "deep state" crime family. Absolutely loony toons and no less nutty than the ultimate nutjob Alex Jones himself. It doesn't say much for any point you're trying to advocate when you do it behind a Sean Hannity link.

And you're apparently too unfamiliar with the subject of law to know that there is so much Constitutional Law that is unsettled because it has NOT been decided upon by the Supreme Court. That means there is no hard right and wrong when it comes to the opinions of blowhards like Dershowitz and Levine. They're opining on law that has yet to be affirmed or rejected, so their opinion on their interpretation of the Constitution is as valid as the next Constitutional lawyer. Whether a sitting president can be criminally indicted isn't even settled law because it's never even been tried.

So no. Once more, that you would think Mark Levine has any special insight on anything only underscores your naive folly of the subject matter. You've been had.


Nothing in your reply disputes Levin and his valid points.

Again, the left deflects and attempts to undermine the person...not their argument.


Left = the true danger to America


Let's pulled out those 'big guns' Levine and Hannity! You must have Judge Jeanine and her fascist propaganda waiting in the wings?


Just because you don't like the source doesn't mean it isn't true.

And still, none of you snowflakes have a counter-argument to what Levin pointed out.

Your tactics are so transparent...and pathetic.


When you resort to the old trope of Snowflakes, you have no credibility.
Don't make thoughtful arguments, just toss out derogatory insults, and hope it gives you an opening to deflect from the real argument.


"Just because you don't like the source doesn't mean it isn't true."

Nor does it mean it IS true.


My reply spelled out that Levine's opinion is no more valid than the next constitutional lawyer who disagrees with Levine. You're apparently just not intellectually equipped to understand what I said and process basic logic.

The lack of intelligence among the conspiratorially bent Sean Hannity trumptard base is a live parody and running joke.

Your posts prove this point better than anything I could ever say.


No, by stating that Levin's opinion isn't valid simply shows you're on the wrong side of the argument ...again, without providing any proof.

Your posts prove that debate is above your intellectual capacity.

Stick to the comments section on huffpost, it's more your speed.


I didn't say Levine's opinion isn't valid. Once again, and slowly now so your unwitting brain can do a better job processing my words:

"My reply spelled out that Levine's opinion is no more valid than the next constitutional lawyer who disagrees with Levine."

Predictably, recognition of nuance isn't your strength. It never is for the the logically impaired that follow conspiratorial loons like Hannity.


By taking the side of disputing FACTS pointed out by Levin (and not taking the time to listen to him) only proves you are arbitrarily stating his opinion isn't valid. Is that really so hard to comprehend?

Again, stick to huffpost, it's more your pace.


Nope. Again, for the intellectually challenged like yourself I know it's hard for you to understand anything but binary in a black and white world.

That's just not how the real world works. I'm not arbitrarily stating anything, I'm definitively stating that Levine's opinion is no more valid than Jeffrey Toobin's opposing opinion. He's another esteemed constitutional lawyer who opines on MSNBC and CNN. There is no way to claim who is more right or wrong since it has yet to be decided by the Supreme Court.

God you're dense.


LOL! Obviously a sock puppet - want to guess which one? I'll give you a hint: UltimateHippo.


HaH. Great calling him out!

Yeah the low post count is always the dead giveaway. Pointing to a brainless Hannity video of Mark Levine was the other key tip off. About as mush-for-brains as last time when he tried to link to a video presentation by Dinesh D'Souza.


Both wrong, but that’s par for the course when dealing with witless leftards.


Aw. You sound really bitter about being called out about for idolizing Hannity and Mark Levine; a conspiratorial cuck and a loser. I mean seriously, Mark Levine!?!?

You need better role models dude.


This shows the depth of your patriotism.
This country is going in the toilet with a petty despot, and you think it's funny.
We just deported one of your cronies to Germany.


Sean Hannity isn't even a newsperson.

You know how I know? Sean Hannity said it.


What does that have to do with his guest Mark Levin?

Watch the video and educate yourself snowflake.


Why? Hannity is a carnival barker, attracting only the silliest of rubes.



"Watch the video and educate yourself"

Bahahaha watching faux news is the last thing that can educate you.

You should read a book and educate yourself dopey


loolz. Truth be told Kingswood, no one is taking Levin's "crimes aren't crimes" argument seriously except the fawning president who latched onto it because he literally has no independent thought outside of his programming on Fox News. Just prima facie it should be evident to anyone with a brain that it's an absurd claim to begin with and there's a reason why Levin would never be invited to argue anywhere but a Fox News show; because he's a ridiculous lightweight whose arguments are self evidently wrong. The only people impressed by Levin's argument outside of the desperate president's whose own ass is on the line are Hannity conspiracy devotees like you who are easily snowed by the shoddy logic Levin deploys.

"In a word, the argument is nonsense," added Paul S. Ryan, vice president for policy and litigation at Common Cause, in an email to Business Insider. "Literally, the argument does not make sense."

Ryan said the enforcement section of the Federal Election Campaign Act makes it clear that what Cohen did was criminal.

"Cohen admitted and pleaded guilty to committing crimes," he said. "The Trump/Levin argument is so inane it boggles my mind."


"what Cohen did was criminal" ...maybe, but not anything Trump did.

you idiots just don't get it, Trump did nothing illegal, used his own funds, not campaign funds

paying off someone to hide an affair isn't illegal ...just like someone molesting his intern in the oval office

amusing as it is, I feel sorry for your lack of gray matter

Trump isn't going anywhere...THANK GOD!


You need to follow the link and read it genius. It explains that Trump directing Cohen to commit a criminal act is most definitely illegal.


Like I said, Trump did NOTHING with it.


Just because Mark Levine tells you that doesn't make it true. lolz.

Directing a crime makes Trump a co-conspirator.

Pssst: the rest of the legal world is laughing their ass off at Mark Levine's stupidity and the gullibility of Hannity supporters like you.


You should also post an alex jones video, that will really drive your point home.


“Derrrr, you should also post an alex jones video, that will really drive your point home.“

That’s all you degenerate snowflakes got...weak attempts at besmirching anyone who doesn’t agree with your ignorant views.



Well to be fair you seem to think Hannity has something of value to say, so youre fair game.
