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11-year-old changed election results on a replica Florida state e-voting machines in under 10 minutes

Don't worry, our federal and state governments have assured us that, in spite of NSA and DHS reports that they successfully hacked into our electoral systems, that there's no way the highly trained Russian military hackers could have done in 2016 what this 11 year-old did in 10 minutes.


Kids these days! LOL

Maybe Trump needs to collude with a local elementary school.



Granted these kids were the best and brightest in a Defcon competition to see who could hack Florida in the least amount of time.

But in spite of their age, I'd guess they'd still have enough sense to reject any efforts by him to collude with them.


11 year old, huh? So she was born in 2007, when T-rump was a serial philanderer. Wonder if she's his love child?


Wait, a bright kid like that related to him? You can't be serious. Look at his own offspring. You think any of them hold a candle to that 11 year old? šŸ˜‚




Yes but your demokkkrat party are the ones behind zero security voting. 30 years ago they pushed phone voting. Then DMV registration. Then internet voting. Then electronic voting. Now they want the entire vote to be done by mail. And letā€™s not forget their crusade to keep voters from being properly identified.

Voters need to be identified by federal voter identification, drivers license etc... then when voting is counted, the totals need to be kept secure until all precincts have been counted and verified. Then totalled. So we donā€™t end up with the demokkkrat classics like 103% voter turnout. Or demokkkrat pollsters conveniently finding 100s and and 1000s of ā€œuncountedā€ votes in voting machines in the trunks of demokkkrat pollsters cars. And boxes of ā€œuncountedā€ votes.

Only now that brainless demokkkrat lemmings have fallen for the Russian fantasy do they care about the security of voting. Poor hate filled lemmings are too ignorant to realize their precious demokkkrat party has been blowing communist Russia and communism anywhere they can find it for a century. Where do you think modern ā€œprogressivismā€ stems from.

Time to wake wake up and look in the mirror.


Wait, how are any of those things you listed "zero security voting", especially voting by mail? Once your application is processed by your county elections official, your ballot would be sent to you. Mail-based voting systems today are far less risky than most polling place elections, precisely because they distribute ballots (and electoral risk) in such a decentralized way. Ballots are verified by cross-checking every signature on a security envelope the ballots are mailed in with signatures filed when a voter actually registers. A mismatched signature raises red flags, which elections officials can investigate.

What's so "zero security" about it?


Look, Hater. Time to wake wake up and look in the mirror.
You are on a Mission to make yourself look so hateful and biased, I don't understand what makes you tick.
Other than Hate and Bias. Happy now?


They use paper ballots and optical scanners here where I live.

Unhackable and probably a lot cheaper than these fancy computerized voting machines.


That's good, that means your results are at least secure on the e-voting machine level. Or at least, they can be verified by the paper ballot counts.

But there's still an open question about registration rolls. If the systems that contain state voter rolls are compromised, all they have to do is delete voter registrations in Democratic precincts come election day. Democrats show up to vote, they can't because they're not registered.


True. It's only really secure at the point where the votes are counted.


Mine too. And I work at one of the voting locations each election for the Board of Elections.


Voter ID NOW
