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Can you image if a republican "lost" 50,000 texts?

Typical liberal lying filth. First, Hillary "loses" 30,000 emails (after bleaching her server) and now 50,000 texts from two FBI agents that were conspiring against President Trump and who were members of a "secret society" whose sole purpose was to remove a sitting president of the united states, go "missing".

If someone being investigated in the Mueller witch hunt misplaced tens of thousands of emails or texts the left would scream bloody murder, but because it is one of their own, we're supposed to believe that this is just another innocent mistake. I ain't buying it.

When the secret memo is released by the senate intelligence committee in a day or two, that shows that Comey, Mueller AND Obama were all in cahoots to spy on candidate and then president elect Trump, the poop is really gonna hit the fan. Watergate2 is coming and it's gonna land squarely in the lap of the democrats. Buckle up kids!


Remember all the ridicule from the Democrats and the media when Trump claimed Trump Tower had been wiretapped?

I do.


Because there was no evidence for it, and there still isn't.


"Because there was no evidence for it, and there still isn't."

We shall see. Hard to believe Manafort was being surveilled, but not in his office in Trump Tower.

On September 18, 2017, CNN reported that the FBI wiretapped Paul Manafort, Trump's former campaign chairman, from 2014 until an unspecified period in 2016 and again from mid-2016 until early 2017, pursuant to two separate FISA court orders. It has not been confirmed whether Trump's conversations with Manafort were intercepted as part of this surveillance. CNN acknowledged that prior to this disclosure, "speculation has run rampant about whether Manafort or others associated with Trump were under surveillance." The CNN report noted that it was unclear if Manafort was under FBI surveillance while he resided in Trump Tower.


The Bush administration lost 2 million emails and no one batted an eye!


"The Bush administration lost 2 million emails and no one batted an eye!"

Those emails were recovered, and there was nothing to see.

Hillary bleach-bitted her server, so hers are gone forever.

Hopefully, these texts will turn up eventually. I can see a political side stonewalling, but the FBI?


No they were not. I have no problem with either emails.


"No they were not."

Yes, they were, you fucking moron.

Millions of Bush administration e-mails recovered

Computer technicians have recovered about 22 million Bush administration e-mails that the Bush White House had said were missing, two watchdog groups that sued over the documents announced Monday.

The e-mails date from 2003 to 2005, and had been "mislabeled and effectively lost," according to the National Security Archive, a research group based at George Washington University. But Melanie Sloan, executive director of the liberal-leaning Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said it could be years before most of the e-mails are made public.

One would think you would've at least googled it.

You're too stupid to breath.


How do you write 50,000 texts? To achieve such a thing you would have to mass send the same text to 50,000 different people. 50,000 unique texts would take a lifetime to create.

The same thing goes for the 30,000 emails, and the 200,000+ on Abadein's phone. These are not nearly all unique messages. They are mostly the same message sent to a massive amount of contacts.

The problem is republicans, especially the alt-right, go straight for the conspiracy theory like Trump does instead of using their brains. Hillary molested children in a pizzeria, Hillary shot Seth Rich, Hillary attempted to kill Assange, Hillary died during her campaign and was brought back to life, Hillary bused in 3,000,000 illegals to vote for her, Hillary issued a stand-down order in Benghazi, etc, etc, etc.

You've cried wolf so many times, she's not president, and now the majority of the country is deaf to anything the right says about her. Gee, I wonder why.








I have one better...

Can you imagine if a Democratic President appointed his/her son-in-law to the position of 'top senior presidential adviser' with no experience at all, who still can't get full security clearance because he lied on his federal forms and financials so much, yet put him in charge of such sensitive, classified portfolios such as 'middle east peace' and deals with China? Can you imagine?

I'll take the missing texts over the above, real scenario any day.


A Democratic president can't even own a peanut farm without republicans claiming violation of the emoluments clause.


My God, remember that? And of course, Carter did the right thing 40 years ago, to make sure everything was on the up-and-up for his Presidency and the good of our country. Now we have this clown in office.


I'll take the missing texts over the above, real scenario any day.
Missing text no longer missing but the Conspiracy will continue to live on. There is a lucrative financial industry that will continue to thrive on this type of erosion in the Federal government without regard to the consequences.

Russia is loving EVERY second of this orchestrated bad reality show.
