MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > Has anyone ever forgiven him?

Has anyone ever forgiven him?

And can he in any way be forgiven, even given his de-facto mass evil sins committed in the form of organising the deaths of millions?

Or is he one of the few truly evil individuals out there absolutely beyond anything even remotely resembling redemption and any kind of forgiveness?



While there were far more evil men working for him in his Nazi regime, it was his call as to what the party did, which makes him unforgiveable in my opinion.


But what did others think? And what about as far as fact is concerned?


I'm not sure of your question of fact is concerned, but yes, he was an evil man by any definition who had a lot of other personality defects as well.

As for forgiveness, that could only come from those he had killed, tortured, or injured by his attacks on sovereign nations. I'm sure some religious types individually forgave him (better people than I for sure), but on the whole, the world hasn't, won't ever, nor should it.


"better people than I for sure"
But how and why?


What I mean is that I wouldn't be as generous and forgive Hitler and at the same time am also conceding that are probably better people than I who could forgive him. I'm a decent human who would never hurt any innocent human or animal, but anyone asking me to forgive Hitler is simply asking too much from me.

While saying that, I am not speaking for anyone but myself, but I suspect that most people in the world will side with me on this subject.

In any case, it's up to those who were directly hurt by him to forgive or not forgive him.


Forgiven him for what?


In general, and sadly, for his mass crimes against humanity resulting in the deaths of millions.


I can't believe you gave me a deadly serious answer?


Well... It wasn't too serious then again more of a curiosity and I was partially inspired here by the theme of forgiveness demonstrated in the film "Dead Man Walking" (1995) - would Sister Helen cater to Hitler in such sense were HE happen to be in his arms instead of Matthew Poncelet?


Who cares? He is dead. Dead, he is revered by a few losers and loonies and reviled by EVERYONE else. If it has made a few people more comfortable, for religious or philosophical reasons, to forgive him... Well, like I said; who cares?


I don't believe any of the crimes attribubted to him. From Caligula to Saddam, it's all been BS.


The entire German people have yet to formally apologise, so why should he be forgiven.
