MovieChat Forums > Rob Halford Discussion > He didn't come out in the 90s.

He didn't come out in the 90s.

He came out in 1980 in the song "Grinder". The first lyric is "Never straight and narrow". If that doesn't say he's gay, I don't know what does.


In his memoir, he mentioned that he was surprised that most fans didn't pick up on it until the '90s.


He's not very flamboyant.


He's not a stereotype. But a lead singer of a rock band has to be flamboyant.


No, I mean flamboyant like dressing in sparkles.


Yeah, I know. But it's ironic.


I saw the Heading Out to the Highway video the other night, and his dancing at the end was a big hint.


Choreographer, maybe.


The fact they had a choreographer was a big hint too.


Do you think Ron was after the choreographer's ass?


People should have caught on because he always dressed like a leatherman. That was very gay stereotypical in the 80's.


If you watch “Heavy Metal Parking Lot”, there’s a one at the end that’s giving a shout-out to every band member, and when he gets to Rob, he says “Rob Halford, I don’t know about YOU, but everybody else, you rock!”

That guy might have been onto something back in 1986.


I was going to point this out, but you beat me to it.

Also, on Priest's 1980 album BRITISH STEEL the pic of Rob on the back cover screamed gay.

Well before that, Rob made a reference to Fire Island (a gay haven) in the song "Raw Deal" on the 1977 album SIN AFTER SIN with lyrics that strongly suggested Rob walking into a gay bar.
