MovieChat Forums > James Gunn Discussion > Maybe Troma will take him back

Maybe Troma will take him back

Hollywood clearly isn't the place for anyone looking to shock an audience. They only want squeaky-clean crap that wouldn't even offend a nun. Really an awful, awful time for popular culture in America.


indeed, Hollywood needs top talent like James Gunn. I mean

"Dance Off, you big turd blossom."
"Hahaha, I have famously huge turds."
"I have sensitive nipples. Awww, my nipples."
"Did you create a penis?"
"Screw you spaceship"
etc etc

And maybe, just maybe, we could have finally got a dose of his marvelous child-rape humor in GotG III. But my friends, the raccoon turd always floats at the shallow end of the pool.

Fight on the good fight for our beloved Comedien of the Vile, our Clown-Prince of the Hacks, our Shakespeare of Pedophilia: James "I'll shoot that nutsack of a chin out of your face" Gunn.


If you want people on 'your side' to not be persecuted by the Outrage Police, you need to extend that concern to the other side of the aisle. This guy's jokes were not funny, I agree. But freedom of speech is more important than whether or not one's taste in humor is acceptable to you, or a particular group of people.

Think. It ain't illegal yet.


lol, invoking the freedom of speech defence in view of a private contract termination? Are you sure you understand what is going on?

Apart from that, only the most depraved character would qualify child-rape jokes and the linking to child-porn content as humor.

I am not outraged, the system still works. The depraved hack is fired - hopefully for good. I give you a whiff of Gunn#s free speech, maybe it will make you re-think - character and personal integrity are not not illegal yet either:

"I remember my first NAMBLA (The North American Man/Boy Love Association) meeting. It was the first time it was ok being who I am. Some of these guys are still my BFFs."
"...story about a monkey jerking off on a boy, cum splash landed directly on the kid...screaming and freaking out commenced - might be sick but this story makes me extremely happy"
- Husten Huddelston (note: a convicted child pornographer and pedophile) just linked this video about 100 pubescent girls masturbating on my Facebook. "I just came all over my face. "
- "I like when little boys touch me in my silly place. Sssh"
- “I’m doing a big Hollywood film adaptation of "The Giving Tree" with a happy ending – the tree grows back and gives the kid a blowjob.”
- “The Expendables was so manly I fucked the shit out of the little pussy boy next to me!”
- "Eagle snatches Kid" is what I call it when I get lucky...
- "Tell your 3 year old about me fucking c-3PO, he will appreciate it when older"
- 3 men and a baby these men had sex with #unromanicmovie
- Shower was so weak felt like a 3 year old peeing on my face.
- In my new film jerking off is forbidden and a high school kid he jerks off before the others.
- “The best thing about being raped is when you’re done being raped and it’s like ‘whew this feels great, not being raped!"


Tristanreloaded I want you to know you’re an idiot at least or unaware of how comedy works at best.


Tristanreloaded I want you to know you’re an idiot at least or unaware of how comedy works at best.

comedy gold! filmtenk I want you to know that's a false dilemma fallacy. Let me rephrase that for you in the same lowbrow manner:

filmtenk I want you to know you’re an idiot at least or a pedophile at best, or likely both at worst.


Sick of you alt-right prigs. Every one of you. You think your cause is so right and just no matter how many people you marginalize, trample over, and kill to MAGA. Your leaders are sociopaths and the rest of you are eager adolescent fools.


It was actually the communists who said you have to break eggs to make an omelet.

I think the alt-right is recognizing that the establishment is always going to go after them any way they can. No deals can be made to play fair because this isn't really about protecting black people from mean comments. It is about shutting down competition.


i wouldn't dare joke about pedophila,
but i make racist jokes nonstop


I'm a liberal, so you are barking up the wrong tree - erratically peeing all over the place like James after having his Gunn fired in a bunch of smoking hot children-asses (hahaha, liked that sicko joke didn't you, child-rape is so very funny!).

You are evidently not too bright, but even you should realize that if you want to claim the moral high ground, you should better first clean the left-wing of the pedo-creeps instead of defending their depravity.


Tristan, I bet you're one of these sheep from the right who goes around calling people on the left "snowflakes." Well, I got some bad news for you: You're a snowflake. You even implemented the left's favorite defense of censorship--"Private industries can do what they want..." Listen, dummy, you enjoy those chains. You're working just as hard as the reactionary left to build them.

Don't ever tell anyone else to think. You don't know what that term means.

End of discussion.


Your surrender is accepted, Jack.

But per usual you completely missed the mark. I was never a right-wing omega. I am just the better man not defending child-rape fantasies and other depraved humor - facts and good morals make a difference. Btw pal, in only a few posts you managed to lapse into several logical fallacies in order to defend blatant pedo-rape-humor:

- false cause
- false equivalence
- personal incredulity
- false dilemma
- straw man
- adhom
- refusal to discuss (three monkeys)

That's pretty bad. Quote Sokrates: When the debate is lost, insult becomes the tool of the loser. But at least your surrender is accepted, Jacky. That is still worth a laugh.




I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe, and making fun of depraved dimwits trivializing child rape. Thanks anyway old fiend.

You have lost your zombie avatar on this forum I see? Let's see if you still deserve your old title of "zombie brains". Can you name which fallacy applies to which of ol Jacky's fallacious statements?


