MovieChat Forums > James Gunn Discussion > Makes jokes about pedos, expects Disney ...

Makes jokes about pedos, expects Disney to pay him millions

Aside from the fact that a 40+year old man making edgelord jokes is lame as hell ... James Gunn was either a moron or totally arrogant for keeping his pedo jokes online while collecting a huge pay cheque from Disney, the world's most popular children's brand.

He could have deleted them ages ago, but he didn't.

Same deal with Disney ... they hired a dude to represent their brand and didn't check his social media account? Incredibly lazy.


They knew, that's why they are sad hypocrites. I'd respect not hiring him in the first place if that was viewed as offensive at the time, but to bow to a sad internet troll whos only goal was to hurt Gunn because he didn't like his politics is pathetic. So far the entire GOTG cast has backed Gunn, to the point of Dave out right saying how wrong Disney was in this. I think this is going to have unexpected,negative ramifications for Disney.


Uhhh ... I think they were right to fire him - I don't feel sorry for Gunn at all. As I said, those tweets weren't funny and he should have had the sense to delete them before hooking up with Disney, like anyone should do before joining a new company.

I just think that hiring him, when he had stuff like that on his social media account, shows basic incompetence on Disney's part.

Also, the cast aren't going to do anything. They are just actors in an ensemble film who under contract.

The only reason people are so hyped-up about this is because Gunn got taken down by a dumb alt-right bad guy. If it had been, say, Kumail Nanjiani who pointed out the tweets, nobody would care.




I thought his tweets were funny, at least some of them. He was going for shock humor, plain and simple. Essentially your saying that if someone doesn't Luke another person's sense of humor,they should lose there job. Remember, Disney already knew about them and we're ok with it.


I said that humour which isn't consistent with the brand of the company you are working for can hurt your employment. This is a universal truth.

If you are working for DISNEY, the world's most recognizable children's brand, in 2018... don't leave pedo jokes on your social media. If you are working for ANY company in 2018 ... don't leave pedo jokes on your social media.

Also, your sentence implies Disney "already knew" before they hired James Gunn ... we only know that Disney found out a few years ago, when Gunn was already working for them, and chose to do nothing rather than draw attention to it and possibly hurt a multi-million dollar film.


I don't disagree he should have taken it down. As far as I know he didn't make any of those comments after Disney had hired him,but yes,they should have been deleted. I don't use Twitter,but I'm guessing it's like undeleted emails, and you forget they even exist. As for Disney not knowing about his image on Twitter, I find that hard to believe, regardless of any official statement. What else could they say? But I know employers have been looking into perspective employees social media accounts almost from the very beginning,and personally, it seems to defy common sense to think a Billion dollar company would overlook that step when paying someone tens of millions of dollars to be part of a franchise. I don't think anyone could have predicted the easily outraged, and recreationally outraged culture, and they are trying plead ignorant to something they were well aware of.


He was called out for the tweets back in 2012 by the LGBTQ community.
He apologized, but the fact that he did not delete the offensive tweets at that point boggles the mind.


He probably thought he was untouchable because he was making a ton of money for Disney.

James Gunn isn't some guy who is naive to how the internet works ... he's on Facebook and Twitter all the time, and has been for years. He's also politically active and has brought attention to other people's offensive tweets.

The only explanation is that he was so confident in his financial relationship with Disney (and the fact that any controversial news items about Marvel movies get buried) that he thought the company would be okay with his old pedo jokes still being online.

I think he got arrogant.


The best thing for any public figure to do online is to avoid polemic topics.

Chris Evans for instance, has been tackling a lot of politics on his tweets lately, of course he is just expressing his opinions, but it could turn on him.

I think this is one of the reasons why some celebrities are so reluctant to join social media.
