MovieChat Forums > Joseph Gordon-Levitt Discussion > Why people say he looks part Asian?

Why people say he looks part Asian?

This has been bugging me for a while.

I've heard so much comments of people saying he looks half asian half white and I thought so too but after looking at his face, I realized the only reason why people think so is because his eyes are small. But they're not "Asian" eyes, they're just small hooded eyes. Gisele and JLaw have them and last time I checked all their ancestors in recent years (not like 300 years ago as we don't really know them) were all of European descent.

Honestly if he had bigger more "open" eyes I don't anyone would be saying this.


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He is Jewish


he does



He has a yellow Asian tinkle between his legs!!


So does Ezra Miller. He is not Asian at all, but Jewish like JGL. Both hot guys btw!

"I don't give a tuppenny fck about your moral conundrum, you meat headed sh*t sack."


His ethnicity is like Russian Jewish but Russia is next to China and there was a Mongol invasion. A large part of the population in places like Krygistan look Asian. It's right next to Mongolia. So being a Russian Jew wouldn't exclude him from having an Asian heritage.


Roseanne Barr's Jewish too (I always thought she was part Native American) and looks part Asian. I bet she's a Russian Jew as well. Leonard Nimoy's ancestors were Russian/Ukranian Jews too and he could have easily played an Asian character.


I always thought he looked slightly Asiatic as far back as his child acting days although as far as i know he has no Asian background. I do think it's plausible that he has some Russian ancestry where it's not unusual to find people with "Eurasian" looks.


European Jews are from a group called Khazars who were like an Asian/Turkish tribe.

They weren't from the mideast and aren't related to real jews. They adopted the religion as a way to avoid a war with christians and muslims. Real jew look mideastern like Jeff Goldbloom, for instance.

The Khazar situation has been a big complaint of Arabs about Israel. Most of Israel is populated with people who were converts from a long time ago and have no real roots in the mideast. However, the myth is that it's "their land" when actually they're a bunch of Russian and German people.

Fun stuff!


Khazar sounds like a myth.

When Jews settled in different parts of the world, they intermarried with the local populations. That's why Jews can look white, Asian, black, Indian, Chinese, Middle Eastern, etc.

I see East Asian eye shape among non-Jewish Europeans, Africans, etc. all the time.

This video explains why non-Asians have it:


Khazars are a fact.

You should have looked them up before you stupidly concluded that story isn't true. It's true.

Just fucking google the word

There's even a question on google about when they converted.

I must say, I hate people like you. It's why the world has become retarded.


I had googled. It repeatedly says myth. It's anti-Semitic nonsense. You're dismissed!


It does not say myth.

It attempts to be there's numerous historical documents saying otherwise.

There's no reason to create such a myth. However, jews don't like the reality of it because it challenges their claims of uniqueness and owning a part of the mideast they have nothing to do with.

A good modern example is that there's a large group of Chinese people who identify as jews. It's the same thing, they converted. I doubt the core group of jews sees them as valid.

If you read what Richard Burton, the explorer, had to say, his time in the mideast showed him that fake European jews came and took over large parts of the land. That morphed into them creating Israel much later.


" challenges their claims of uniqueness and owning a part of the mideast they have nothing to do with. "

That would be the reason to create a myth.

DNA results identify ethnicity.


I'm an Asian and he surely does NOT look like part Asian at all to me. Probably just because he's smaller in stature. Small = Asian. Typical.
