

Always felt sorry for the guys who stayed in lunar orbit.



Apart from the folks monitoring in Houston?



You could fart with reckless abandon when you weren't on VOX.


Always felt sorry for the guys who stayed in lunar orbit.
Why? Orbiting the moon was probably very bit as awe-inspiring as walking on it's surface. Especially flying over the backside. All alone in the command module gazing at the stars from that vantage point. The nearest two human beings to you are your two crewmates down on the surface thousands of miles away, the rest of humanity a quarter million miles further than that.
It must have been a very powerful and wondrous experience.

And Collins sure seemed like a great guy. RIP



Yes, it would have been a great experience but probably not the first choice for any of the astronauts. I'd want to get to the surface, see what I could see and wander round with a geology hammer. I always thought it was a pity they only sent one geologist.


I always thought it was a pity they only sent one geologist.
They may have sent more had the last three missions not been cut. 18, 19, and 20.

And it would have been fabulous had one of those landed on the far side, which Harrison Schmitt, the geologist crew member of 17, pushed for.


Sorry to hear he passed. He led a very interesting life. I found his book Carrying the Fire to be the best about the Apollo 11 mission.



RIP Michael Collins. Sadly not many recognize his name like they do Neil or Buzz, be he was an essential part of Apollo 11.

Here's a nice segment PBS NewsHour did on him a short while ago:

