MovieChat Forums > Hillary Clinton Discussion > To the leftist cuck that snitched on me ...

To the leftist cuck that snitched on me and got my comment deleted

Trump is still your president. HAHAHAHAHAH

2 scoops
2 womps
2 genders
2 terms

Deal with it, soy boys.




Trump has 2 genders? Are either of them male?


What are you some kind of leftist? The Mueller report is gonna be massively dissapointing btw. Libtards will be on suicide watch. Stay away from sharp objects ok little fella?




Need an iceberg for that burn.


I'm curious if there's a way to say what got deleted, without saying something that will get deleted. I have had posts reported as "flaming" for the most minor of insults, that weren't exactly directed at anyone in particular, but we're implied if I'm being honest,lol. I have called out moderators on this board for enforcing the rules with a heavy liberal bias, and I stand by it. I reported someone twice recently coming at me hard with insults and cursing, and clearly just trolling, and the posts never seemed to get taken down. Seems odd,huh?


I have called out moderators on this board for enforcing the rules with a heavy liberal bias, and I stand by it. I reported someone twice recently coming at me hard with insults and cursing, and clearly just trolling, and the posts never seemed to get taken down. Seems odd,huh?

This was apparent early on, to me as well.

I just heard of this browser plugin only recently, and it’s said be released soon. Let’s hope it takes off, as it could be a real game changer with regards to free speech.

The block feature here is worse than useless, and it sorta ruins my MC experience, and it’s pretty clear that it’s never going to be fixed. I’ve considered migrating to another site, but this site has more of the type of activity that I’m interested in, and I’ve had no luck finding a similar site that meets my interests.


I have called out moderators on this board for enforcing the rules with a heavy liberal bias, and I stand by it.

LOL the douchebag Burk playing victim AGAIN and thinking his experience is the only reality AGAIN.

"Right Wing" trolls rarely get targeted by the mods. They are allowed to run free even though the rule before flaming is "no trolling." Mods don't seem to understand that.

But when I point out why a "Right Wing" troll trolls, I get deleted for it.

A troll can troll, but a regular user can't analyze the trolls.

It's the same situation we had at IMDb: They like the trolls because it keeps traffic high and keeps ad revenue flowing.

So I'll just say this to the mods: If you're not going to do anything about trolls, then get the fuck off my back. I'll say whatever the hell I want.

Just leave me alone and stop sending me private messages because I DONT READ YOURS.

You don't enforce the rules to keep ad revenue up, that's fine by me. Seriously. It keeps the site free.

Just don't turn and decide to enforce some rules and not others around me, because I don't play shitty games like that.

They can ban me for all I care.



What a pussy snowflake topic to make. Idiotic shit.


It’s hilarious when libtards try to use derogatory terms that are used against them on other people. Nice try, cuck.


Yeah until they slap the cuffs on him. And I don't mean the Russian hookers.


0% chance he goes to jail.
