MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Biden sends Gaza $100 million, tells Ham...

Biden sends Gaza $100 million, tells Hamas not to steal it.

Biden announces $100 million in humanitarian aid to Gaza and West Bank. Biden cautioned Hamas against attempting to divert the aid.,Biden%20announces%20%24100%20million%20in%20humanitarian%20aid%20to%20Gaza%20and,attempting%20to%20divert%20the%20aid.&text=The%20U.S.%20will%20send%20%24100,Joe%20Biden%20said%20on%20Wednesday.

It would like sending Germany money in 1940 and telling them not to kill Jews.


I'm just glad I don't have to read mean tweets by the Orange Man. Even if the world ends, it's better than having the Orange Man as a president.


Suicidal, leftist lunacy in full bloom!


It'll be fine. He invoked the Honor System.


So 100 million is a lot.
You can load one truck full of food and medical supplies maybe to a value of 50k max. (Food 5 k, medical 45k because we know medical shit is overpriced)
So we are going to see 2000 trucks of aid going into Gaza?
Maybe theyre gonna send trucks that will also revive babies bombed by airstrikes...stitch them together or something


Yeah, meekly whispering "Don't" really comes across as a tough warning. 🙄
