MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > So is Biden just a puppet or complete ps...

So is Biden just a puppet or complete psychopath?

So are his comrades really the one running things around here or is Biden capable enough of understanding the personal gain at the expense of Americans that comes from the decisions he makes?


Honestly I dont think he has any idea whats going on and just says whatever his puppet masters tell him to say. When he goes off script he says stuff like "Putin is losing the war in Iraq".

The presidential debates in 2024 are going to be epic!


That's easy: puppet.

He wasn't all that sharp when he had his marbles, but now that his brain is clam chowder, he's got nothing left.

Honestly, I only pick on Biden's racist anti-American stuff from 20 years ago and older. That at least he was responsible for. Like your senile uncle who walks around with his bathrobe open, Joe doesn't know what he's doing.


He is both.


His Dementia keeps him from understanding just how terrible his decision making skills have become and yes he is a puppet for far more sinister forces behind the scenes. It's likely Obama pulling the strings.
